Обобщающий урок в 5 классе по теме «Talking about school»
Match the Words and the Sounds [a:] [æ] [ ʌ ] [з:] [ai] [e] [ei] [u:] [i:] [ju:] [ ɔ :] 1. subject 2. form 3. study 4. learn 5.Science 1.hard 2. lesson 3. break 4. Maths 5. rule 1.discuss 2.word 3.teacher 4. student 5.explain
Put the Verbs into Past Simple be get up take go give have talk get make swim speak watch ask answer cook teach read translate
What Did You Do on the 1 st of September? be nervous get up early have breakfast take flowers go to school with parents be happy to meet old friends give flowers to the teacher have few lessons sit still talk with friends during lessons get good marks get a lot of homework to make a video of smb. be tired
Fill in the Gaps Barbara Grey usually gets up at …. She has … … lessons every day. She teaches …-year-old pupils. There are … students in her class: … girls and … boys. They are bright, … and a bit …. At the lesson they …,…,…. Barbara Grey gives … marks.
Timetable time MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Russian Language Science Maths LiteratureMaths Russian Languag e ScienceHistoryMaths English Language Maths Information Technology Design and Technology Social Science ArtHistory MusicEnglish Language Physical Education
Translate from Russian into English задавать умные вопросы отвечать на глупые вопросы читать детективы на уроке рисовать смешные картинки на доске обсуждать разные проблемы объяснять скучные грамматические правила работать усердно учить стихи наизусть давать инструкции носить джинсы шутить быть вежливым разговаривать громко на перемене бегать и прыгать между партами на перемене пить чай на уроке делать домашнюю работу каждый день получать плохие оценки
Translate From English into Russian translate from Russian into English read and discuss texts ask questions answer the questions learn new words learn poems by heart do exercises copy long sentences do the crossword puzzle explain grammar rules sing songs use the computer speak English discuss different problems write fairy tales play games get smarter learn new things get good marks enjoy learning English have a lot of homework prompt at the lesson
Your Favourite Subject Why do you like it? What do you do at the lesson? Example: I like History because I learn a lot of interesting things about the past and the present. In History lessons we discuss different problems, read our textbooks and write in our exercise books.
a school bag a pen a ruler Things You Use at School
a sharpener a textbook a felt-tip pen a workbook
an eraser a dictionary paints
Write the Missing Letters and Read the Word Ge…man Hist…ry Sc…ence uni…orm forei…n les…on lang…age st…dent w…ar st…dy Inf…rmation la…t Physic…l Education le…rn
Do the Crossword Puzzle tnauniform eilsArtmmS xcepoemsmc tkssomlwsi bnsubjecte oaocbnarun omnlofrkdc keMathnsye Historypsm xllanguage