Global Warming Global warming its causes and effects!
Rumor or fact!! In the year 2007 global warming was introduced as a hot topic. There has been talk about it since the year started. However, many people question whether it is an actual fact or perhaps just rumors. There has been talk about it everywhere. Now the real question is, have you seen a difference in the years that have passed? If your answer is yes than you have answered the question. Global warming is real and it happens everyday. Tornadoes and hurricane storms increase more and more after the years, high temperature over the years have increased, cruel snow storms have attacked the north, and the glaciers are melting increasing sea level. There is a difference in the way our earth functions and goes about everyday.
The earth is so big that we as humans might not possibly think that we are able to harm it in any way. Nevertheless, there is a thin line in the outer sphere called the troposphere which is thickened gradually through and by all of the pollution in the world. One of the causes of global warming is the melting of the ice glaciers. One of the most important risks that we run is that 40% of people worldwide will begin to experience a shortage in their drinking water. Many people get their water from springs, valleys, but if the ice glaciers are melting then there is a great deal of shortage. Different patterns in society and in the environment change the way our planet runs and is carried throughout time. Global warming is not just in America. It is worldwide, in Peru, Argentina, and much more places. For example in 1928 Patagonia was covered in ice and now less than a forth of that ice still exists.
What is the greenhouse effect? Trapping and build-up of heat in the atmosphere (troposphere). Some of the heat flowing back toward space from the Earth's surface is absorbed by water vapor, carbon dioxide, ozone, and several other gases in the atmosphere and then reradiated back toward the Earth’s surface. If the atmospheric concentrations of these greenhouse gases rise, the average temperature of the lower atmosphere will gradually increase. Reference:{ glossary of climate change terms} THEREFORE…….
Carbon dioxide has kept at a constant high throughout 650,000 years. Within the last few years the rate has gone up tremendously. Carbon dioxide is at is higher point now more than it has in the last 650,000 years.
The earth’s climate has changed for years. Throughout history both natural disasters and human negligence have played a great role in this change. Global warming has been caused by the rising of the earth’s temperature which has had a great effect on the earth’s troposphere. Many gasses such as carbon dioxide, the burning of coal, oil, gasses burned in industries and the general pollution of the world have been the cause of this warming. This warmth has led to the melting of the ice glaciers, the incredible amounts of hurricanes and tornadoes that become greater and greater every year. GLOBAL WARMING: An increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere, especially a sustained increase sufficient to cause climatic change.
Technology and the amount of gasoline we use to power our cars, industries, houses are all burning up and are helping to contribute to this disaster. The earth’s warming increases and decreases every year due to the tilt of the earth’s position, it rises gradually throughout the years. Such warmth in the sun and the melting of the glaciers raises the sea levels which cause more stronger hurricanes. As hot temperatures increase the wind velocity also increase, leading hurricanes to have a greater velocity and empowerment. Their category and eye become deeper and deeper.
Global warming is a serious case in which many factors have to be taken into consideration. There is great amount loss that we will have to face in the years to come. The highest temperatures recorded worldwide in the northern hemisphere since the year 1880 was the year One of the fears of global warming is that there will be an intensity in the temperatures were they will always be at a constant high. Furthermore, we might have to face heat waves and droughts in surrounding areas. Global sea levels could raise up to 20 feet which can overflow many states and other countries. For example the island of Manhattan will be completed under water, most of Florida state will be under water, the Shanghais area will have 40 million people at risk. 100 million people will become refugees of this great natural disaster.
The world is a precious thing that we should take care of for it always takes care of us. Global warming does not just affects the lives of human beings but also many animals that have become on the verge of extinct due to all the different temperature changes happening. Unfortunately they are also suffering the consequences of our actions.
A great alternative!! Ethanol energy is a new and renewable source of energy. It is a clean and more reliable fuel used to power your car. One of the great things about ethanol is that it reduces the amount of carbon monoxide which plays a great role in global warming. Ethanol is made from corn. A crop which needs the sun in order to grow. This is why it is a renewable source. Ethanol is a new alternative to power our cars which help eliminate the burning of gasses that lead to the pollution that we have today. There are many other ways that we as humans can help stop global warming. We can walk more or ride bikes instead of using cars. We can replace our light bulbs with fluorescent ones. Turn off all electronics when they are not being used. Buy fresh foods instead of frozen for frozen use a lot of energy. The most important thing is to take action. RECYCLE!!!
The future!! Fortunately, we are still in time to make a difference. If we all come together and put our efforts into using items that will conserve energy, recycle, use less gas, and just take interest and put effort we will be able to prevail. The most important factor is that we have to come together to make a major impact in this catastrophic event.
BIBLIOGRAPHY e/recordtemp2005.html. e/recordtemp2005.html astcc.html#causes astcc.html#causes Our textbook!! MENTAL NOTES !!!!!!
Gina Betances Physics Project May 11, 2007