What is Climate Change?. The Global Climate is changing. Surface temperatures, precipitation, sea level, ice Greenhouse gases are increasing. Sometimes.


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Presentation transcript:

What is Climate Change?

The Global Climate is changing. Surface temperatures, precipitation, sea level, ice Greenhouse gases are increasing. Sometimes also called Global Warming.

Surface Temperatures are Rising:

Precipitation Patterns are Changing SummerWinter

Sea Levels are Rising and snow cover is decreasing

Why is this Happening?

Greenhouse Gas Concentrations are rising

Why are Greenhouse Gases Important? “Blanket” that insulates the earth Without greenhouse gases surface temperatures would be 60º F colder than they are now. This is because they are responsible for a phenomenon called “The Greenhouse Effect” Examples of greenhouse gases are: water vapor (H 2 O), carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) and methane (CH 4 ).

What is the Greenhouse Effect?

Similar to your car on a hot day! This phenomenon is similar to the warming that occurs in an automobile parked outside on a sunny day. During the day, the sun’s energy passes through the car’s windshield Energy re-radiated from the warm car cannot pass through the windshield, and the car warms up - a lot!

So how are humans enhancing the Greenhouse effect? Burning fossil fuels puts more greenhouse gases (like CO2) into the atmosphere. Increasing the concentration of these gases blocks the escape of infrared radiation. Too much = Climate Change.

The atmosphere as a bathtub Fossil fuel tap Bathtub represents atmosphere Drain represents ocean and land

Climate Change: Huh? Where? Who?

What are the Solutions? Individual? Community? State? Country? World?

Since 1950: Carbon Emissions Tripled

2050: Carbon Emissions Could Double Again!

Triple the Emissions?!

Significant Global Warming!

Can We Stop It?

What If?

Stabilization Triangle

Cut Carbon Emissions

Large Emission Cuts Needed: OUCH!

We Have the Technology!

One Wedge: Cut 1 Billion Tons Per Year

15 Strategies

Work Together

It Can Be Done!

Choose 7 Strategies


Stabilization Wedges 15 ways to cut carbon Efficiency and Conservation Fossil Fuel Based Strategies Nuclear Energy Renewables and Biostorage

Stabilization Wedges: A Concept and Game Learn about technologies currently available Understand scale of effort needed to address carbon and climate situation Negotiate solutions

Judge/Assess Economic Social Environmental Political