JACQUI HEPBURN Director Alliance of Sector Skills Councils, Scotland
The collective voice of 23 Sector Skills Councils (SSCs) Employers representing 90% of the workforce across the UK Responsible for developing occupational standards and qualification frameworks Producing detailed Labour Market Intelligence (LMI) to inform the skills agenda Promoting a more demand-led skills system Who are we?
Creative Industries Energy Financial and Business Services Food and Drink Life Sciences Tourism Universities Scottish Government – key sectors
18,000 new jobs by 2017 Key growth area: ‘Associated professional and technical roles’ Current skills shortages caused by: - Lack of experience (61%) - Lack of specialist skills (35%) Increasing concerns that graduates are not ‘job ready’ FE and HE provision tends to be student not employer-led Limited time and budget for training Key future skills needs: - Leadership and Management skills - ICT skills - Business skills - Negotiation / selling skills Creative Industries
Huge economic and employment opportunities in renewables 28,000 direct jobs + 20,000 indirect jobs in offshore wind Onshore wind industry already reporting skills shortages 55% of all vacancies are hard-to-fill Ongoing skills shortages due to shortage of STEM graduates Forecast skills needs for new technologies and develop NOS More emphasis on workforce planning to address work profiles issues Energy
Modest job growth in financial services, IT and telecoms Growth sectors in financial services include: - Forensic accounting - Corporate recovery and insolvency - External (financial) insurance - Risk and compliance work - Business advisory / consultancy services Key skills requirements: - Technical skills - Communication skills - Professional judgement - Ethics - Risk management skills 30% employment growth in asset management – 27,000 new jobs Financial and Business Services
Single largest manufacturing sector employing 49,000 people Total employment to contract, but slower than other sectors High replacement demand – 16,000 new workers by 2017 Demand for high-skilled jobs will increase Shortage of professionals including: - Food scientists - Food technologists - Engineers Skills deficiencies amongst managers and supervisors Particular new / improved skills needs include: - Food safety and hygiene skills for compliance - Technical skills for production Food and Drink
31,500 jobs / GVA of £1.3 billion Highly skilled workforce Lack of data on skills requirements Main skills in pharmaceuticals: - Basic mathematical capability - Practical skills - Application of mathematical / scientific knowledge More general challenges: - Maintaining supply of qualified staff - Managers with international commercial experience - Keeping graduates in Scotland Life Sciences
Total employment to grow by 14,800 jobs Replacement demand for 79,600 jobs Key skills weaknesses in customer handling, planning and organising, team working, problem solving and oral communication skills 15,200 managers not suitably qualified Key skills requirements for managers: - Setting strategic objectives - Developing product marketing strategies - Providing leadership - Being entrepreneurial - Motivational skills - Business acumen - Basic literacy, numeracy and IT skills Tourism
Universities Key future challenges for Scotland: - Increasing international competition on skills - Increasing international competition on innovation and technology - Changing demographics Key future challenges for Scotland’s universities: - Optimised skills profile to be globally competitive - Fostering innovation and strengthening links with business - Adapting learning provision to changing demographics
In summary Scotland’s graduates of the future need: - To be flexible / adaptable - To develop more generic work skills - To receive high quality careers IAG - To benefit from more work-based learning opportunities - To be encouraged to pursue STEM-based courses and careers
Alliance of Sector Skills Councils, Scotland 28 Castle Street Edinburgh EH2 3HT Call: Browse: