The jobs challenge Joe Godden Richard Chismon Maria Dropulijic
The jobs market for NQSWs : Cuts, increase in number of NQSW, employers wanting experience This presentation is a summary of a longer presentation which is available on the BASW web sitelonger presentation There are things that you can do to increase your job chances
The experiences of Maria and Richard
Your plan, think medium term Research into the jobs market, what there is where the jobs are and where are they advertised? Decisions you need to make regarding what sort of jobs you are looking for – adults / children’s / local authority or the independent sector, social work or social care, or a related sector? Who you are going to get help and advice from? Your university course, careers department, PROSPECTS, National Careers Service, friends, BASW PROSPECTSNational Careers ServiceBASW
Some only advertise on their own web sites, many do not use the traditional big two – Community Care and the Guardian. Jobs Go PublicJobs Go Public, Great Social Care, Charity Jobs, NFP BASW Total Jobs, Blue Octopus Colleges of FE and Universities, individual councils, NHS jobs, individual charities and private sector social care organisations. Social networking sites, twitter.Great Social CareCharity JobsNFP BASW Total Jobs Blue Octopus NHS jobs Do a regular trawl of job sites. The number of places that employers are advertising is increasing.
If you have deficits in your experience plan how you are going to fill them. It may be difficult to get your ideal job straight away – consider short term alternatives. How are you going to promote yourself? – networks, contacts, posting CV Your application forms are vital, poor ones are unlikely to get short listed Advice about finding employment.
vital – research the employer, contact them, prepare answers to potential questions prepare for presentations. If you are unsuccessful get feedbackprepare for presentations Plan how you are going to keep up to date, to enable you to keep your HCPC registration and to keep motivated Preparing for interviews
Do seriously consider getting involved in your professional organisation – BASW keeping your social work identity CPD events get involved in campaigning and policy making keeping a national and global perspective professional indemnity insurance advice and representation and Social Work Union Social Work Journals Mentoring.