Rural Social Exclusion David Wood Regional Development Officer Contact:
Rural Settlements Demographics Increasing rural population (~50% rural) Aging population Net loss of yrs Comparatively affluent Asset rich – cash poor Geographic isolation Small, dispersed, insular communities Remote from political influence Lack of services Rural premium for local provision Lack of transport for remote access Distributed medium size settlements (market towns)
Rural Communities: Economic High level employment Low skilled / Low pay / Seasonal local jobs High worklessness / benefit dependency Few local jobs (access) Commute to good jobs Remoteness of training (access) Distance to FE/HE Colleges Expense of at work bench training Rural micro-businesses (<5 employees) Difficult at work bench training
Rural Communities: Social Low provision of local services (access) Facilities for young families (childcare) & children Opportunities (work/recreational) for youngsters Isolation of elderly High reliance on third sector activity (access) DIY by rural community groups In-migration of older affluent professionals Quality of life Out-migration of young individuals families Employment Wide social spectrum Lack of affordable housing
Issues Lack of awareness, knowledge & understanding of rural issues Rural proofing Equality proofing Dispersed, hidden social exclusion Difficulty to evidence Low priority for intervention/investment Isolation & remoteness Reduced policy influence High car dependency
Sustainable Rural Communities Community Planning (eg Parish Plans) Whole community development Community led improvements Local democracy Parish Councils Support for community leaders/activists Support for informal support networks Support for community assets Social accounting cost-benefits Application of planning rules Small market/affordable housing developments