Birds Zoology, 14 April 2008, Donald Winslow Following Hickman et al Ch. 27, pp
Ancestors of birds Theropod dinosaurs Archaeopteryx Tail Saurian pelvis 3-fingered hand Teeth Feathers
Characteristics of modern birds Long neck Wings Feathers Pneumatized skeleton Beak No teeth Short tail (pygostyle)
Avian circulation & respiration 4-chambered heart Endothermic Lungs Air sacs Syrinx
Avian excretory system Metanephric kidney Uric acid
Avian reproduction Sexes separate Internal fertilization Macrolecithal eggs Hard calcareous shells External incubation Altricial or precocial young
Avian taxonomy Paleognathaeratites & tinamous Neognathae (partial list) Order Podicipediformes (grebes) Order Pelecaniformes (pelicans, cormorants, etc) Order Ciconiiformes (herons, storks, vultures, etc) Order Anseriformes (swans, ducks, geese) Order Falconiformes (hawks, eagles, kites, falcons) Order Piciformes (woodpeckers) Order Passeriformes (songbirds)