Pathways to Success in Darlington County Implementing EEDA requirements for Middle School Career Specialists
The School-to-Work Act of 1994 14 Elementary Schools were being assisted by a Career Technician. 3 Middle Schools and 5 High Schools were being assisted by a Career Technician. The first sixth grade class completed the EWOW and created their career folders in 1996. 4 year plans were being done with 8th graders in 1998.
Pathways to Success in Darlington County Pathways to Success Programs was begun in 2005 in anticipation of the passage of the EEDA. Programs and lesson plans already in place were supplemented with new ideas and expectations for the future. The structure of Pathways to Success was built. Marketing campaign was designed. Transitions were readied for huge changes in Darlington County School District.
Changes in Darlington County School District Darlington County traded in their junior high schools and embraced the idea of Middle Schools. 2 new large Middle Schools were built and 2 other Middle schools were upgraded for smaller populations. Darlington County Institute of Technology was constructed at the same time.
Breakdown of Schools 14 Elementary Schools 4 Middle Schools 5 High Schools
Breakdown of Middle Schools Rosenwald Elementary/Middle School K-8 -300 students (1 CDF certified Counselor) Spaulding Middle School 6-8 -300 students (1 CDF certified Counselor)
Breakdown of Middle Schools Darlington Middle School 6-8 -1200 students(3 Counselors-2 CDF certified) (1 Career Specialist) Hartsville Middle School 6-8 1200+ students (3 Counselors-no CDF cert.)
Hartsville Middle School 422 returning Eighth graders. 407 all new Seventh graders. 408 all new Sixth graders. One half of faculty and staff are all new. Logistics became our biggest adversary. Traffic patterns inside and out. Technology availability was limited. Time runs out for IGP Conferences.
Pathways Lab 14 Depco Module Stations available for pairs of students. 9 week exploratory course. Each nine weeks there are 2 sixth grade classes, 2 seventh grade classes and 2 eighth grade classes. Each nine weeks students can explore 3 different modules.
In Spite of the problems: Eighth graders… 400+ Have accounts. Have completed a Career Cluster Survey. 322 Took Explore for the first time. 200 Have completed IGP conferences with parent present. Have authorization signed for conferences with designee.
In Spite of the problems Seventh graders… 350+ Have accounts. Have completed a Career Cluster Survey.
In Spite of the Problems Sixth graders… 300+ Have accounts.
Work-Based Experiences Grades 6-8 Take Your Daughters and Sons to Work Event 515 students participated. 365+ businesses participated. Virtual Job Shadowing 200+ SCOIS Occupational Videos viewed. Service Learning 220+ Students participated in Relay for Life.
Looking Forward We would like to… Find ways to educate our teachers about career development. Incorporate more Career related activities in Advisor/Advisee time (Real Game, HEAP CDs, ACRN activities, etc.). Find more ways to incorporate career development into classroom teaching. Add a Career/College Corner in Library. Have more Career Events and Speakers .
What Would We Do Differently Begin the SCOIS process earlier with all grade levels. Schedule the IGP conferences earlier with a week in between for make-up conferences and time to get caught up on other matters. Re-design the Career Folders.
Contact Us Jackie Collum GCDF, CDFI Career Specialist Darlington County School District Hartsville Middle School 1427 Fourteenth Street Hartsville, SC 29550 Office 843-857-3017 FAX 843-857-3030