State and Federal Testing Accountability: Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Academic Performance Index (API) SAIT Training September 27, 2007
Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) vs. Academic Performance Index (API) Understanding the Difference
Contents: 1.Federal Testing Accountability: Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) 2.Review of AYP Progress Report from Spring 2007 Testing 3.State Testing Accountability: Academic Performance Index (API) 4.Review of API Progress Report from Spring 2007 Testing 5.Preventing “Leakage” 6.Summary
Federal Testing Accountability Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP)
Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) and Annual Measurable Objectives (AMO) All Title I Schools must meet Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) school wide. Failure to meet AYP for two consecutive years in a single curricular area or AYP component will move a school into Program Improvement (PI) status. Curricular Areas: Language Arts and Math
Exiting Program Improvement (PI) To exit PI status, a PI school must meet Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) in each AYP component for two consecutive years.
AYP Criteria for Elementary/Middle School: 1. Participation Rate: 95% participation rate must be met in CSTs (and CAPA) for all 2 nd -8 th graders and for each “significant” sub group.
AYP Criteria Elementary/Middle School: Annual Measurable Outcomes (AMO) ELA ’07= 24.4% ’08= 35.2% ’09= 46.0% Mathematics ’07=26.5% ’08=37.0% ’09=47.5% 2. Testing Proficiency (AMO): Minimum Percentage of students at Proficient to Advanced levels of the California Standards Test (CST)
Figure #2- California Standards Test (CST) Levels: Language Arts Far Below BasicBelow BasicBasicProficientAdvanced 150 to to to to to 600 State Target for All Students
AYP Criteria for Elementary/Middle School/High School: 3. Academic Performance Index (API) Elementary, Middle and High School levels: Minimal School API Score of 590 (620 in Spring ‘08) Or Increase of 1 API point per year
ALL Title I Schools are accountable for significant subgroups If a Title I School has a subgroup population which is: 100 students or greater who are to be STAR tested, or 99 to 50 students which represent at least 15% of the total number of students to be tested, the subgroup must meet: Participation Rate and Annual Measurable Objectives (AMO) Proficiency Rates.
3 Key Subgroups English Learners Socio Economically Disadvantaged Special Education
Key Subgroup: EL Students Includes RFEPS.
Key Subgroup: Socio Economically Disadvantaged Free and Reduced Lunch. Parents did not graduate from High School.
Key Subgroup: Special Education Any student with an IEP. Exited Special Ed Students count for Proficiency (2 years max). Math Proficiency Provision.
Review New AYP Report Accountability Progress Report
Academic Performance Index (API) California State Testing Accountability
The Big Two: Elementary & Middle School API Component Breakdown 1. ELA CST: 50% 2. Math CST EOC: 30%
API Participation Rate: Elementary & Middle School 85% participation rate must be met in California Standards Tests (CST) Grade Level Exams excludes End of Course tests (EOC)
Calculating API Key to Understanding API Growth
Academic Performance Index (API) Criteria: Quintile Rankings based on ELA CST Quintile API Weights Advanced Proficient Basic Below Basic Far Below Basic
Academic Performance Index (API) Criteria: Quintile Rankings based on Math CST Quintile API Weights Advanced Proficient Basic Below Basic Far Below Basic Numbers of Students
Academic Performance Index (API) Criteria: Quintile Rankings based on ELA CST Quintile API Weights Gain in API Weight N/A Advanced Proficient Basic Below Basic Far Below Basic
Figure #1- California Standards Test (CST) Levels: Language Arts Far Below BasicBelow BasicBasicProficientAdvanced 150 to to to to to 600 State Target for All Students API For Academic Performance Index (API), greatest gains will occur when moving students from the lowest CST levels due to weighting factors.
Review New API Report Accountability Progress Report
Meeting AYP and Generating API: Preventing “Leakage”
“Leakage” AYP Two Reasons AYP is not met: 1. Failure to move Basic students to Proficiency. 2. Having students “leak” multiple quintile levels out of proficiency.
Figure #2- California Standards Test (CST) Levels: Language Arts Far Below BasicBelow BasicBasicProficientAdvanced 150 to to to to to 600 State Target for All Students
“Checking for Leaks”: XXXX Middle School Spring 2004 to Spring 2005 CST results Targeted Intervention Program in Math 50 students moved to CST proficiency 60 students move out of CST proficiency Net Growth of Proficient students in Math: -10
“Leakage” API Two Reasons API drops: 1. Failure to move students from Far Below Basic to Below Basic. 2. Having students “leak” multiple quintile levels.
Academic Performance Index (API) Criteria: Quintile Rankings and Weights Quintile API Weights Gain in API Weight N/A Advanced Proficient Basic Below Basic Far Below Basic
Preventing “Leaks”: Early monitoring of proficient and above students with student work and the periodic assessments in ELA and Math. Provide early differentiated instruction for struggling proficient students in IWT.
To Insure API Growth, While Implementing the Core Program Elements with Fidelity, Consider: Fully Reviewing School-wide Intervention Program, including IWT.
Prevent Leakage: Elementary CST Comparison Data. Procedure to create an SIS report which compares two or more years of CST data for individual students. Type/Press: Main Screen- #7 Testing Menu-#4 CST Menu-#2 Current Teacher Report All or Specific Room- Press Enter Checking for “Leaks”: Elementary
ID99,2 (current year) “1” (for active) (enter today’s date) “2” (select by class number) “Y” (enter by district course #) – Grade 6 Math Grade 7 Math – Algebra I – Algebra Readiness (proceed to next step) “T” (sort by teacher) Press enter (Do start a new page or switch to Don’t) (create a new report) Type in title, then enter Checking for “Leaks”: Secondary
Key to Meeting AYP and Generating API: Positive Annual Gains
Goal: Move One Testing Level Per Year regardless of assessed level.
Figure #1- California Standards Test (CST) Levels: Language Arts Far Below BasicBelow BasicBasicProficientAdvanced 150 to to to to to 600 State Target for All Students
Wade Hayashida Categorical Program Coordinator Local District