Welcome to 7 th Grade Open House! Janet Jordan 7 th Grade Math Room C211 Please sign in. Feel free to leave a note or thought about your student on a card.
Year At A Glance
First Class First Class Student Login Information: Username: fallojim Password: stu56789 Google Edu Apps Google Docs Student Login Information: Username: Password: stu56789 Canvas conroeisd.instructure.com Username: fallojim Password: stu56789 Math eTextbook Username: Password: stu56789 Highlander Logins Example Student: Jimmy Fallon ( Login in first 5 letters of the last name and first 3 of the first name), local ID: (5 digit lunch #), State ID: (S.S.#)
Textbook Information Pearson digits Grade 7 Students will receive a personal copy of the Student Companion. We will have a class set of the Homework Helpers for use in school. Students will have individual logins that will be issued to access online resources. Works best in Google Chrome Students can use online math tools (such as Algebra tiles), access the extensive digits math glossary, watch video tutorials through VirtualNerd, etc…
Class Website The activities we have completed in class and nightly homework is posted under the student’s class every night. This is also useful to see what students miss while they’re absent. Important test dates, reminders, and other miscellaneous information is updated as needed. Please check often and refer to as needed if you ever want to know what’s going on in class or what’s coming up.
Homework Homework is of the utmost importance! Students should not rely on strong test and quiz scores to keep their overall averages up. Even with passing test and quiz scores (70+), not completing and turning in homework can cause students to fail for the nine weeks, or even for the year. It happens! Late work is not accepted. Homework is due the following day unless otherwise noted. Extracurricular activities are never an excuse! Students should make it a priority to work on homework during advisory and set aside a certain amount of time each night to work on assignments. A few minutes at the end of class is also generally given. Homework will be taken for an accuracy grade or a completion grade, depending on the assignment. All work must be shown all the time.
Test Policy All tests – with the exception of district benchmarks and semester exams – are sent home a few days after they are taken. We will go over the tests together in detail and students will make corrections on the actual test to emphasize re- learning of missed material/questions. Students will also answer personal reflections regarding test preparation. Test reflections are completed in class and sent home to be signed for a 100 as a daily grade. Incomplete test corrections will not receive a 100. Please be looking for test corrections to review and sign a couple days following the test. Students may be eligible for a re-test if they score below a 70.
Parent Access Center Parents and guardians can login to CISD’s Parent Access Center to access their student’s grades and current averages. To sign up for this service, please click on the “Students/Parents” tab at the top of the CISD website. This is a great tool for you to use to keep track of your child’s grades in class! Please sign up TONIGHT if you haven’t already! Check Parent Access often! Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have a question about your student’s grades. Your student should also be bringing all assignments home! For the most part, I don’t keep any assignments. Typically, a “0” means the student was given the assignment and was present on the due date, but did not turn the assignment in. A “Z” means the student was absent on the due date and has not yet turned the assignment in. A “Z” counts as a zero and does not change until the assignment is turned in. An “X” means the student is exempt from doing the assignment.
UIL Eligibility “No Pass, No Play” Students must be passing all courses in order to participate in extracurricular activities. Students can gain or lose eligibility on different dates throughout the school year (check McCullough website for full list of dates). First UIL participation date – students must be passing all classes by Friday, October 2 nd – this is the six week mark. Look for progress reports every three weeks (paper copy or if you have a PAC account). Progress reports may also be sent home to individual students as needed.
Cheating Policy Any student involved in an instance of cheating will have his/her paper taken and a grade of zero given. A discipline consequence may be assigned to a student found guilty of cheating, per the CISD Secondary Student Handbook. Any type of unauthorized communication or sharing of information or materials with others (verbal, nonverbal, or written) is considered cheating. (McCJHS Student Handbook) While it is impossible to list each and every action that may constitute “cheating,” the following are common examples: –Copying another student’s homework, quiz, or text, or letting someone else copy your work –Telling another student in a different class period what the test or quiz questions are or getting such information from someone else –Sharing a returned test with a student who has not yet taken it Cheating is NOT tolerated!
How can I help my child succeed in math?? Be involved with your child’s progress. Ask your child about his/her grade after tests and quizzes. Ask to see assignments you may have questions about. Check your , the class website, and your student’s planner frequently. Make schoolwork a priority at home. Set a mandatory homework/study time each night. These study habits will carry into high school and college! Send a positive message about math. It’s everywhere! Praise your student for his/her accomplishments, even if that means scoring a 72 instead of a 60.
Additional Information The best way to reach me is via – If you would like to set up a conference, please call the counseling center at My conference time is 8:50-10:15 on both Red and Green Days. Morning Tutorials are offered on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Remind – one-way text updates – see board or website to sign up! To sign up send text Thanks for coming! I am excited for a great school year!