Cancer. Mitosis. M Phase Interphase. Cell Cycle Regulation Cell Growth FINAL JEOPARDY FINAL JEOPARDY
Cell Growth answer100 answer As a cell’s size grows, its surface area does not grow as fast as this.
Cell Growth question100 question It’s Volume
Cell Growth answer200 answer In regards to DNA, this is why it would be bad for cells to grow larger in size.
Cell Growth question200 question There wouldn’t be enough of information for a larger cell
Cell Growth answer300 answer In regards to exchange of materials, this is why it would be bad for a cell to grow larger in size.
Cell Growth question300 question The cell couldn’t take in enough of nutrients and get rid of enough waste
Cell Growth answer400 answer The surface area of a cell determines this fact about the cell.
Cell Growth question400 question The amount of materials that pass the cell membrane
Cell Growth answer500 answer The volume of a cell determines these 2 facts about the cell.
Cell Growth question500 question How much nutrients it needs How much wastes it produces
Regulation answer100 answer This is what happens when a dividing cell comes in contact with another cell
Regulation question100 question It stops dividing
Regulation answer200 answer These are groups of proteins that regulate the cell cycle
Regulation question200 question Cyclins
Regulation answer300 answer A cell that has lost the ability to regulate itself will develop this type of disorder
Regulation question300 question Cancer
Regulation answer400 answer A regulator that would make sure that the cell synthesized an adequate amount of DNA before continuing in the cell cycle would be an example of this type of regulator
Regulation question400 question Internal Regulator
Regulation answer500 answer When cytoplasm from a cell that is undergoing mitosis is injected into a cell that is in interphase, the second cell will…
Regulation question500 question Enter M Phase
Interphase answer100 answer These are the 3 phases of interphase
Interphase question100 question 1) G1 2) S 3) G2
Interphase answer200 answer During G1 phase, this is the main event that occurs
Interphase question200 question Cell Growth
Interphase answer300 answer The S of S phase stands for this word, and this is what occurs during this step
Interphase question300 question S – Synthesis The synthesis of DNA
Interphase answer400 answer This is what occurs during G2 phase
Interphase questionquestion Production of proteins and organelles in preparation for cell division
Interphase answer500 answer This is the phase of the cell cycle that occurs after interphase
Interphase question500 question M phase /Mitosis
M Phase answer100 answer M Phase is made up of what 2 phases
M Phase question 100 question 1. M phase 2. Cytokineses
M Phase answer200 answer This is the definition of Mitosis
M Phase question 200 question The division of the cell nucleus
M Phase answer 300 answer This is the definition of cytokinesis
M Phase question 300 question The division of the cell cytoplasm
M Phase answer400 answer Give the definition of a chromosome and identify the 2 structures of a chromosome in the picture 1 2
M Phase question 400 question The structure that provides the genetic information to the next generation of cells 1. Centromere 2. Sister Chromatids
M Phase answer500 answer This is the location of the genetic material before it condenses into chromosomes
M Phase question 500 question Chromatin
Mitosis – 100 answer100 answer Name the 4 phases of mitosis in order
Mitosis – 100 question 100 question 1. Prophase 2. Metaphase 3. Anaphase 4. Telophase
Mitosis – 200 answer200 answer What is the name of the phase in the picture
Mitosis – 200 question 200 question Anaphase
Mitosis – 300 answer300 answer Chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell during which phase
Mitosis – 300 question 300 question Metaphase
Mitosis – 400 answer400 answer At the end of telophase, the result is two complete these
Mitosis – 400 question 400 question Nuclei
Mitosis – 500 answer500 answer This is the role of the spindle fiber in mitosis.
Mitosis – 500 question 500 question Pull apart the sister chromatids
Cancer answer 100 answer Cancer is the consequence of uncontrolled cell this…
Cancer question 100 question Growth/Division
Cancer answer 200 answer Cells that divide uncontrollably form masses called these
Cancer question 200 question Tumors
Cancer answer 300 answer True/False It is not possible for a cancer cell to travel to another location in the body
Cancer question 300 question False Cancer cells can break loose from tumors and spread to other locations in the body
Cancer answer 400 answer Give one example of a type of exposure we discussed which could lead to cancer
Cancer question 400 question Tobacco Radiation Viruses
Cancer answer 500 answer In addition to exposure, this was the other factor that could lead to cancer
Cancer question 500 question Genetic Defects
Final Jeopardy Answer begin This is the name of an unspecialized cell that has the potential to become any type of cell.
Final Jeopardy Question Stem Cell