Agenda About Measurement Incorporated Discussion: The Changing World of Writing Writing for College & Career Readiness Collaboration in the Classroom with PEG Writing Q&A Contact Information
Measurement Incorporated™ Established in 1980 in Durham, North Carolina, Measurement Incorporated (MI) is a full-service educational company that provides achievement tests and scoring services for state governments, other testing companies, and various organizations. MI has earned and continues to uphold its reputation as the industry leader in providing professional handscoring services for essays and open-ended exams.
NOW Online Collaborative Formative ELA + Science, Social Studies… The Changing World of Writing THEN Paper-pencil Individual Summative ELA classrooms
Writing Discussion Why, when, where, and how do students write? In what ways has the student writing environment changed? What constraints limit student writing?
Writing Discussion
Writing for College & Career Readiness For students, writing is a key means of asserting and defending claims, showing what they know about a subject, and conveying what they have experienced, imagined, thought, and felt. To become college- and career-ready writers, students must take task, audience, and purpose into careful consideration and choose words, information, and structures deliberately; use technology strategically when creating, refining, and collaborating on writing.
Writing for College & Career Readiness Students must have the flexibility, concentration, and fluency to produce high-quality first draft text under a tight deadline and capacity to revisit and make improvements to a piece of writing over multiple drafts when circumstances encourage or require it. To meet these goals, students must devote significant time and effort to writing and produce numerous pieces over short and long time frames throughout the year.
Next Generation Assessment of Writing Seamless integration of reading and writing Reading passages will focus on science, social studies, and technical subject matter and will be accompanied by stimulus material including audio & images Students will be asked to utilize the reading and stimulus material to synthesize their ideas Citing of stimulus material is expected in support of their ideas
Advances in technology have changed where, how and for whom students write. Online programs like PEG Writing™ can improve student writing skills and increase communication & collaboration between students and teachers.
What is PEG Writing™ Online Formative Writing Tool for grades 3-12
Students & Teachers in Multiple Classes Students can be added to multiple classes in multiple grade levels Teachers can be added to multiple classes for cross-curricular writing (i.e. Science, Social Studies, Math) and support (i.e. Special Programs, ELL) ELA Period 1 Grade 7 Science Period 4 Grade 7 After-School Enrichment Grade 8 ELA Period 1 Grade 7
Create and Share Your Own Prompt Teacher-created prompts can be shared with other teachers in the same school or on a district level. Set timer controls and the number of revisions allowed. To support the Common Core ELA Standards, teachers can add reading passages, images, and website links to a writing prompt.
Electronic Sticky Notes Clicking on the note will bring up the comments, both computer and teacher added. Yellow notes are teacher feedback.
Revisions and Drafts 16 Students write, revise, and edit, watching their scores improve as they progress to their final draft.
Peer Review 17 Teachers can create peer review student groups “Two Stars and a Wish” model Students can be anonymous or known to each other
Reports 18 PEG Writing reports student progress over time in addition to storing the student work portfolio.
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