Ancient Near East 3500 BC- 500 BC The Artist as Magician
Developed at the same time as Egypt Physical region had few natural defenses- many different cultures dominated Discouraged uniting under single ruler No defining culture, but art thrived Sumerians were the first to settle- language was unrelated to any other Sumerians had own developed writing- Cuneiform Not a lot of archeological evidence of the culture Used brick and mud which leaves very little remains Most information found on inscribed clay tablets
White Temple, Uruk, 3000 BC Temples were dominent form of architecture- religion was city-state-based. Each had its own god who was regarded as king. Human ruler was seen as the god’s steward on earth who governed people to worship the God. In return, the God was expected to plead the case of the city-state among the other deities who controlled fertility, the weather, water, etc. Administrative and religious center was the temple
Ziggurat of King Urnammu, Ur, 2500 BC The temple was in the center of the city on a raised platform- called Ziggurat- most famous was the Tower of Babel. Height of 40 Ft- mountain tops are the dwelling place of the gods, stairs and ramps lead up to the sanctuary. Main room is called the cella, where sacrifices were made. The entrance faces away from the stairs- the worshipper must work to be able to worship- an angular spiral path
Sculpture was found in Cella- used as cult statue- eyes and eyebrows were originally inlaid with colored materials and the hair was covered with gold/copper wig- the rest of the figure was probably made up of wood- severe style Female Head, Uruk, 3500-3000 BC
Geometric No real likeness Important gods are taller Simplified faces and bodies No distraction from the eyes Forms based on cone and cylinder Statues from Abu Temple, c.2700-2500 BC
Close up of worshipper
Made of bronze More flexible and fluid style Made with addition rather than subtraction Much more expressive Ram associated with the god Tammuz, male god of nature- animals were often associated with deities- in Egypt also Ram and Tree, c.2600 BC
Akkadians- after the decay of the Sumerian society (due to ambitious rulers trying to conquer each other)- nomadic people moved in Sargon of Akkad and successors (2340-2180 BC) proclaimed ambition to rule the earth New task for art- personal glorification of rulers Steele- immortalizing military victory Both soldier and leader are active Only celestial bodies are above him in importance Victory Stele of Naram-Sin c.2300-2200 BC
Persuasive likeness Very detailed and elegant Surface texture Cast in bronze, a complex technique Head of Akkadian Ruler c.2200 BC
One of the Sumerian city states remained independent- Gudea was the ruler- still retained ruler- god idea, but he did have many statues of himself in shrines Carved of diorite, extremely hard stone Not very individualized features More realistic human characteristics Head of Gudea, c.2150 BC
Babylon- 1760-1600 BC- power was controlled by the Babylonians Hammurabi was its founder Main goal was to provide justice to the people Hammurabi’s Code- earliest form of written law Top of code shows Hammurabi confronting the sun god- announcing code Related to the Gudea sculpture in style and technique Very high relief Eyes are in the round- establishes the relationship between god and man Stele ofHammurabi c.1760 BC
Assyrians- Controlled all of Mesopotamia and surrounding areas Drew on Sumerian achievements and reinterpreted them Sack of city-has foreground and middle ground and background The Sack of the City of Hamanu by Ashurbanipal, c. 650 BC
Ashurnasirpal II Killing Lions, c. 850 BC Subject used for personal glorification of king not real hunts- ceremonial- lions were already caged and then released Energy and emotion are obvious
Dying Lioness c. 650 BC Great sense of volume and mass despite shallow carving
Neo-Babylonians Assyrians fell in 612 BC Babylon had a final era of artistic growth 612-539 BC Used glazed bricks rather than stone slabs- used for surface ornamentation Ishtar Gate has been completely rebuilt and restored Continuation of the theme of animals in Mesopotamian art Ishtar Gate, C.575 BC
Persia-- Area which is now called Iran- always a nomadic land- art is a collection of objects known as the “Animal Style” Decorative use of animal motif in an abstract manner Painted Beaker, 5000-4000 BC
Pole Top Ornament from Luristan, 9th-7th c. BC Animal Style reappears in bronzes used by nomadic tribes Symmetrical and elongated, distorted for design Stag is far less abstracted Scythians were from Southern Russia, but spent time in Iran learning bronzework Stag, Scythian, 7th-6th c.
Babylon became huge empire-included Egypt and Asia Minor- only toppled by Alexander the Great (331 BC) Religion was Zoroastrianism- altars were in open air so no religious architecture was created Secular palaces instead Palace of Darius and Xerxes Persepolis, Iran c. 500 BC Columns were used on a grand scale- Egyptian influence Use of the motif of animals everywhere
Darius and Xerxes Giving Audience c. 490 BC Relief within the palace is formal and stiff, solemn, repetitive and ceremonial Subservient to the architecture Assyrian’s energy and expression has been rejected Overlapping garments are completely new Body parts can be seen underneath the fabric (probably taken from the Greeks)