Fleming County Schools December 10, 2014
Continue improvements in curriculum and instruction (Rigor) Continue to implement and use Engage NY as a model Second Benchmark – Week of Jan 19 (tentative)
Fleming County Schools December 10, 2014
PLUS Positive atmosphere Parent/community support Students well-behaved and polite Staff cares about students Buildings clean, well- maintained DELTA Systems, processes, procedures (incl. grading/reporting) High expectations, rigorous instruction Differentiation, especially high achieving Student use of technology Use of exemplars, rubrics
Fleming County Schools December 10, 2014
The FCS vision for science instruction is to provide a world-class, STEM-focused curriculum that will move Fleming County students to the forefront of 21st Century learners (students of distinction). *STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics
Foster inquisitiveness (students ask questions and design solutions to problems) Make real-world connections Make cross-curricular connections Foster teacher leadership Apply system to measure effectiveness Foster student accountability and responsibility for learning Foster student independence K-12 curriculum aligned to NGSS, 3-D Coherent instruction, building unit to unit, grade to grade, course to course. Successful Implementation: