Single Plans for Student Achievement (SPSA) Cambrian School District June 5, 2014
SPSA process Site SPSA Goals and Key Actions Moving Forward
SPSA Process Data AnalysisRefine goalsRevise and add ActionsAlign BudgetSchool Site Council ApprovalSchool Board Approval Fifth Year Fifth Year Site teams present SPSA overview and school highlights to district panel.
Farnham ELA Achievement Goals June 2015, 77% of all students in Kindergarten-5 th grade will attain grade level proficiency or above in English language arts as measured by: K-2-- Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA2); 3-5--DRA2 and End of Year Curriculum Associates Common Core ELA Assessment. Key subgroup Targets 54% of English Learner students 51% of Socioeconomically Disadvantaged 66% of Hispanic/Latino students Actions Power Groups w/ CCSS integration Targeted Tier 2 Interventions ELD Instruction Ongoing Professional Development Effectively Monitoring Student Progress
Farnham Math Achievement Goals By June 2015, 78% of all students in Kindergarten – 5 th grade will attain grade level proficiency or above in Mathematics as measured by: K-1--End of Year District Benchmark; 2-5--End of Year Curriculum Associates Common Core Math Assessment Key subgroup Targets 61% of English Learner students. 61% of Socioeconomically Disadvantaged students 69% of Hispanic/Latino students Actions Flexible grouping for target instruction Math Investigations w/ Common Core integration Pilot new math program Ongoing professional development Problem of the Month
Sartorette ELA Achievement GOAL June 2015, 76% of all students in Kindergarten -5 th grade will attain grade level proficiency or above in English language arts as measured by: K-2-- Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA2); 3-5--DRA2 and End of Year Curriculum Associates Common Core ELA Assessment. Key subgroup Targets 67% of English Learner students 52% of Socioeconomically Disadvantaged 65% of Hispanic/Latino students Actions Provide Interventions ELD Instruction Response to Intervention (ExCEL) w/CCSS Integration Monitoring Student Progress Professional Development
Sartorette Math Achievement Goals By June 2015, 84% of all students in Kindergarten – 5 th grade will attain grade level proficiency or above in Mathematics as measured by: K-1--End of Year District Benchmark; 2-5--End of Year Curriculum Associates Common Core Math Assessment Key subgroup Targets 74% of English Learner students. 66% of Socioeconomically Disadvantaged students 69% of Hispanic/Latino students Actions Flexible Grouping for instruction Extended day opportunities for target students Math Investigations with CCSS Integration Review of benchmark data Use of technology to reinforce foundational skills
Bagby ELA Achievement Goals June 2015, 78% of all students in Kindergarten -5 th grade will attain grade level proficiency or above in English language arts as measured by: K-2-- Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA2); 3-5--DRA2 and End of Year Curriculum Associates Common Core ELA Assessment. Key subgroup Targets 55% of English Learner students 51% of Socioeconomically Disadvantaged 66% of Hispanic/Latino students Actions Professional Development Tier 2 Intervention Foundations of Literacy training teacher cohort RtI (ExCel) CCSS Integration and Coaching Intensive ELD with Certificated teacher
Bagby Math Achievement Goals By June 2015, 80% of all students in Kindergarten – 5 th grade will attain grade level proficiency or above in Mathematics as measured by: K-1--End of Year District Benchmark; 2-5--End of Year Curriculum Associates Common Core Math Assessment Key subgroup Targets 65% of English Learner students. 60% of Socioeconomically Disadvantaged students 62% of Hispanic/Latino students Actions Professional Development Tier 2 Interventions including Extended Day Use of Investigations curriculum Pilot and evaluate CCSS materials for potential adoption
Fammatre ELA Achievement Goals June 2015, 74% of all students in Kindergarten -5 th grade will attain grade level proficiency or above in English language arts as measured by: K-2--Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA2); 3-5--DRA2 and End of Year Curriculum Associates Common Core ELA Assessment. Key subgroup Targets 69% of English Learner students 55% of Socioeconomically Disadvantaged 58% of Hispanic/Latino students Actions Professional Development Targeted Instruction Tier 2 Interventions RtI (ExCel) CCSS Integration ELD Instruction
Fammatre Math Achievement Goals By June 2015, 78% of all students in Kindergarten – 5 th grade will attain grade level proficiency or above in Mathematics as measured by: K-1--End of Year District Benchmark; 2-5--End of Year Curriculum Associates Common Core Math Assessment. Key subgroup Targets 69% of English Learner students. 55% of Socioeconomically Disadvantaged students 58% of Hispanic/Latino students Actions Flexible Grouping for Targeted Instruction Professional Development Additional/Extended Learning (Tier 2)
Price ELA Achievement Goals June 2015, 83% of all students in grades 6-8 will attain grade level proficiency or above in English language arts as measured by: End of Year Curriculum Associates Common Core ELA Assessment. Key subgroup Targets 73% of English Learner students 70% of Socioeconomically Disadvantaged 70% of Hispanic/Latino students Actions Support PLC’s that plan, analyze and implement CCSS ELA Coaching Curriculum Leadership Council (CLC) with SCCOE GLAD, A.L.L, Kagan and GRR PD opportunities Maintain books, materials and technology to support the CC Standards Provide additional support to targeted students (RTI)
Price Math Achievement Math By June 2015, 65% of all students in grades 6-8 will attain grade level proficiency or above in Mathematics as measured by: Grade 6-End of the year Math Curriculum Associates Benchmark; Grade 7-8-End of year Mathematics Diagnostic Testing Project (MDTP) Assessment; Grades 6-8-MARS Exam. Key subgroup Targets 50% of English Learner students. 40% of Socioeconomically Disadvantaged students 40% of Hispanic/Latino students Actions Support PLC’s that plan, analyze and implement CC-aligned units Consultation from SVMI Coaches GLAD, A.L.L, Kagan and GRR PD opportunities Great America Math/Physics Field Trip (8 th Grade) Maintain books, materials and technology to support CCSS and math intervention classes (ASD) Provide additional support to targeted students (RTI) Math teachers in Curriculum Leadership Council (CLC) On-going articulation with high schools to bridge math pathways
Moving Forward Sites Review data and revise goals and actions Monitor and track SPSA implementation and budget with staff and SSC Ensure SPSA aligned with Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) Analyze benchmark, intervention, and grade level assessment data to measure progress student achievement and adjust instruction as needed District Monitor Local Education Agency Plan (LEAP) and alignment to SPSAs and LCAP Principal PD o LCAP o Budget Monitoring o Illuminate Data Management System o Trend data and tracking student progress