PVAAS Update March, 2014 IU 5 Curriculum Directors
SY12-13 Scatterplots O Due to the recent update of Keystone achievement and growth results, the SY12-13 statewide scatterplots have also been updated. O New document containing statewide scatterplots can be found on PVAAS PDE website. O Included slides in the PPT so you can review. O For Keystone content areas, achievement AND growth are based only on students enrolled in the Keystone-related course at the time of taking the respective Keystone exam.
SY12-13 Math, Grade 4
SY12-13 Math, Grade 5
SY12-13 Math, Grade 6
SY12-13 Math, Grade 7
SY12-13 Math, Grade 8
SY12-13 Algebra I
SY12-13 Reading, Grade 4
SY12-13 Reading, Grade 5
SY12-13 Reading, Grade 6
SY12-13 Reading, Grade 7
SY12-13 Reading, Grade 8
SY12-13 Literature
SY12-13 Science, Grade 4
SY12-13 Science, Grade 8
SY12-13 Biology
Experience with PVAAS as a Tool for Decision-Making AdminsTeachers Expert 6%1% Skilled 48%9% Novice 38%44% Amateur 8%47%
Conversations between Admins & Teachers about Reporting 88% Admins said they talked to Teachers O One-on-one O Collaborative O Open and honest O Discovery followed by discussion O Encouraging and reflective O Supportive and inquiry- oriented O “We’re in this together” 55% Teachers said they talked to their Admin(s) O One-on-one O Direct and encouraging O Positive and supportive O Open and honest O Informal discussion O Open to suggestions and concerns O Goal-oriented O Friendly and informative O “How did the results make me feel”
Admins: Were you able to answer Teachers’ questions? Teachers: Was your Admin able to answer your questions?
Questions Not Answered O How does PVAAS measure growth for Science in grade 4? O Why is PVAAS used in teacher evaluations when it was stated in early 2000s that it would not be? O What are the methodologies used to measure growth? O How can you show growth with students who have perfect scores? How do you show growth for students receiving instruction above grade level? O How is the predicted score calculated? O Why are some students included in the analyses and others are not? O Why is attendance not used or considered? O Specific scenarios related to calculating % Student+Teacher Enrollment and Full/Partial % of Instruction
Creating a Culture of Trust and Support about PVAAS & Other Data Admins O Being available for questions O Open dialogue about growth; two-way conversation O Share best practices O Promote and model this is a team effort O Non-threatening discussion, not accusatory or judgmental O Involve teachers in process from the beginning O Collaborative, team approach O Focus on goal of improved student learning and not identification of poor instruction O Provide time for teachers to work together Teachers O Open conversation amongst teachers to share and improve teaching practices O Open forum for questions O Team planning & collaboration O Open communication between admins and teachers O Sharing of resources and materials O Creating atmosphere where teachers are not compared to each other O Clear expectations from Admins O Time to work with other Teachers
PVAAS Methodologies
O Sent to all IU PVAAS Contacts February 24 O Available on PVAAS Login Page O Purpose:
Guide to SY12-13 PILOT Teacher Specific Reporting
O Sent to all IU PVAAS Contacts February 24 O Available on PVAAS Login Page
Roster Verification: Sample Scenarios O Purpose: To assist LEAs in understanding the total % of Instructional Responsibility for students, considering both % Student + Teacher Enrollment and Full or Partial % of Instruction O Currently in development! O To be released in April 2014
New PVAAS Login Page
New PVAAS Admin Page
Updated Excel Files O Updated Excel files containing existing accounts sent on March 20 to all LEAs O April 4 th, COB, is the LAST day for information in PIMS to be used for PVAAS account creation O After April 4, COB: PVAAS accounts must be created and managed locally/manually via PVAAS system
Who Participates? O Which teachers are eligible for PVAAS Teacher Specific Reporting? O Act 82 does NOT exclude temporary or permanent professional employees based on how they are funded, such as Title I O Act 82 does NOT exclude temporary or permanent professional employees based on which LEA/school students are from or where students are tested O PVAAS teacher specific reporting is about WHICH teachers had the instructional responsibility for a tested subject/grade/course
COGNOS Report for PVAAS O New COGNOS Reports for PVAAS in PIMS O Can help an LEA see what data will be pre- populated in PVAAS O PIMS Administrators in each LEA can and SHOULD consider running these reports today, as PIMS Course/HQT closed March 21 O Suggest that the PIMS Administrator share and discuss these reports with District and School Admins
Roster Verification Timeline
IU Support O Suggest principals run a usage report at end of week one – include step-by-step directions O Reminder to principals that they can start reviewing rosters that have been submitted early O But overclaiming and underclaiming of students may occur until ALL teachers have submitted their rosters! O Suggest types of data will teachers need to verify O Student enrollment dates by roster O Co-teaching, flexible grouping, etc.
Contact SAS EVAAS with HOW TO questions (Click on “Contact Us” link on PVAAS login page) O Accessing & Using Roster Verification system O Username & Password issues O PPID errors & omissions O Adding/removing teachers O Adding/removing rosters O Adding/removing students O Verifying & submitting rosters O Sending rosters back to a teacher or School Admin District Admin/District Verifiers ONLY Contact the PVAAS Statewide Team with Policy and Guidance questions ( O Which PA teachers? O Claiming issues O % Student + Teacher Enrollment O % Full/Partial Instruction O % Instructional Responsibility O PVAAS Teacher-Specific Reporting SY13-14 PVAAS Roster Verification
Creating a Usage Report
Live Help Desk (Q&A) Sessions
Instructional Responsibility (IR) for Students O While a student who is claimed for less than 10% overall IR will NOT be included in a teacher’s value-added analyses, teachers DO need to roster those students and accurately report the % IR for that student. O PVAAS Team did NOT and would NOT advise anyone to move the % of IR for a student to less than 10% so that a teacher does not receive reporting!! O ALL STUDENTS should be rostered!!!
Roster Verification Checklist O Checklist for each Roster Verification window O Have you…? O Full checklist for all RV windows can be found O On the PVAAS login page O In the Roster Verification Virtual Learning Module O The smaller checklist pertaining to a specific Roster Verification window will be attached to the reminder s sent to users prior to each RV window opening.
Roster Verification Checklist