Roman Art and Architecture Becky Rothfus Advanced Art 1
Roman Art and Architecture Roman art was mainly made in ancient Rome and in the roman empire territories. Though they copied their ideas from the Greek, the Romans also got their ideas from the Egyptians and native italic. Most of the Roman techniques (high and low relief, free- standing sculpture, bronze casting, vase art, and many others) were either invented or revised by the greeks. It’s the art of Roman civilization from Romulus to the Emperor Constantine, and it covers a period of more than 1,000 years.
What’s the difference? Most people confuse Roman and Greek art, thinking that they are the same. Even though the Romans may have gotten most of their ideas from the Greeks by copying them, the Roman’s are more secular and show an interest in greatness and scale. The Romans also developed the use of the arch, the vault and the dome. They also discovered concrete, which allowed for a much grander architecture.
Examples of Roman Art Pantheon made in 120 AD
Alexander the Great and Caesar
Alexander the Great Sarcophagus
head stone art was famous for the Romans
Euphronios Krater
Augustus of Primaporta
Allegory of Peace
My Opinion I personally like the roman art and architecture. They put a lot of detail and effort into their creations, using anything they could find to complete what they were working on.
Sources Cited "Roman Art." Web. 11 Jan "Marble Bust Stuns Art World." The Art and Culture of Diaspora. Web. 13 Jan