Welcome to Geometry
For You It’s Everywhere What is Geometry? Geo – means Earth + metria – to measure or - Measure the Earth Dictionary Version - The study of the size, shape and position of 2 dimensional shapes and 3 dimensional figures. For You It’s Everywhere
In Ancient Times Egypt Greece England Rome Mexico .
Importance of Lines
In Nature
Crop Circles
In Art and Architecture Famous Buildings Bridges Art 1
The Line and Shapes
In Sports You could not play sports without Geometry Even Cricket Hockey Soccer (Futbol) Football Baseball Volleyball
In Music and Fun 1
Songs about Geometry?
In Daily Life Do you know these shapes Food Pyramid The Circle of Life
Geometry and the News
Even Aliens use Geometry Bermuda Triangle Crop Circles
Geometry – Cool
Geometry in the Class Before the Music ends Write down three things in the class that represent Geometry