Date: in 12 pts Education and Culture International mobility for students and staff 2015 Call for Proposals
Erasmus+ What is Erasmus+ ? The EU's programme to support education, training youth and sport Funding for programmes, projects and scholarships Fosters EU-EU and EU-international cooperation
Erasmus+ ERASMUS+ Almost €16.5 billion 40% budget increase EU and external budget Erasmus Grundtvig Leonardo Comenius Youth in Action Erasmus Mundus Tempus Alfa Edulink Learning Mobility 2 Cooperation 3 Policy support Jean Monnet Sport international EU - EU
Erasmus+ International cooperation: Programme Countries & Partner Countries Programme CountriesPartner Countries EU Member States: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom Other programme countries: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey. All other countries throughout the world
Erasmus+ International mobility Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees Capacity Building for Higher Education Jean Monnet activities Higher education opportunities for HE institutions from Partner Countries
Erasmus+ International mobility for students and staff
Erasmus+ What is international mobility? International opening of Erasmus 135,000 grants in 6 years For students & staff (for learning & teaching) Action managed by National Agencies located in programme countries
Erasmus+ Types and duration All levels (short cycle, Bachelor, Master, PhD) All disciplines 3 to 12 months for studies Up to 12 months per study cycle For staff – from 5 days to 2 months
Erasmus+ Inter-institutional agreements to set mobility flows & preconditions - signed before mobilities start -education/quality-framework_en.htm Learning Agreement for students Mobility based on agreements
European HEIs apply on behalf of the partnership to their National Agency 16 or 24 months to organise the mobilities Managing mobility
Incoming €850, €800, €750 Outgoing €650 Student Unit Costs
Staff Unit Costs Receiving CountryPer Diem DK, IE, NL, SE, UK 160 BE, BG, CZ, EL, FR, IT, CY, LU, HU, AT, PL, RO, FI, IS, LI, NO, TR 140 DE, ES, LV, MT, PO, SK, FYROM 120 EE, HR, LT, SI 100 Partner Countries 160
Travel Travel distances (km) Amount € / participant ≥
10 Budget envelopes ENI: Neighbourhood South, Neighbourhood East, Russia DCI: Latin America, Asia, Central Asia, South Africa IPA: Western Balkans PI: North America, Industrialised Asia 2015 Call €121.3 million
Date: in 12 pts … in other words Mobilities per region* Shared by 33 Programme Countries * Based on one semester for a student
Erasmus+ How to apply Higher education institutions from the 33 Programme Countries apply to their National Agency Deadline: 4 March Partner-Country HEIs should discuss possibilities of a mobility agreement with HEIs in Programme Countries
Erasmus+ More information: Information on Erasmus+ National Agencies plus/tools/national-agencies/index_en.htm