Hybrid Rocket Technical Committee Summer 2010 Meeting Arif Karabeyoglu, HRTC Chair Steven Frolik, HRTC Vise-Chair 46 th Joint Propulsion Conference 2010 Nashville, TN July 26, 2010
2 Welcome Introductions Pass Around Attendance Sheet Dinner/Luke Colby Presentation AIAA Briefings / Visitors Eleanor Aldrich, AIAA Staff HRTC Activities 2009 HRTC Minutes Overview Accomplishments in 2009/2010 Subcommittee Reports –Website –Technical Activities –Conferences and Publications –Education –Awards Agenda Issues/Items for Discussion Steering Committee Plans for Next Year Recent Hybrid Activities Wrap-up
Introduce Yourself - When Did You know? 3 Arif Karabeyoglu – SPG Inc. Steve Frolik – Aerospace Corp.
4 HRTC - Meeting Minutes - July 2009 Short briefing by the AIAA staff member. Steven Frolic has again volunteered to do the yearly review article on the Aerospace America. HRTC interested in accepting proposals for system level design work. Need to consider AIAA service award. Marty Lithman from Orbitec may attend Congressional visit day HRTC short course Student award, Lifetime achievement award HRTC has about $500 in its bank account HRTC website Open to suggestions Links to technical info Links to nitrous oxide safety Link your site to HRTC website
5 HRTC - Meeting Minutes - July 2009 New positions Secretary: Jonny Dyer - Reelect Old Positions Chair : Arif Karabeyoglu Vice Chair: Steven Frolic Treasury: Jeffrey Michlistch Meetings, Conferences and Publications: Brian Evans Technical Activities: Martin Chiaverini Education: Joseph Majdalani Website Editor: Brett Williams Membership and Awards: Scott Claflin Hybrid TC logo Members should think about logo Short course Organized by Joe Majdalani Run at JPC 2009 Consider international presentations on hybrids at next HRTC meeting Compile a list of award winners from the previous years. All award winners shall be listed on the TC website. Awards: –Lifetime achievement Award: Andrew Prince will check weather Dr. Altman already have received this award. » Year Recipient Award YearRecipientAward »1963Altman, David Wylde Prop Award Recipient – AIAA service award: Marty Chiaverini, Terry Abel, John Remen, Guy Legelle, Ronn Carpenter –Wylde Award: Ken Kuo renomination
6 HRTC – Roster 2010 FirstLastDescription TerryAbelEmeritus CarmineCarmicinoInternational BrianEvansMeetings, Conf and Pubs Subcommittee StevenFrolikVise AlonGanyInternational RobertGeislerEmeritus AllenHolzmanEmeritus KeiichiHoriInternational Jin KonKimInternational TimothyKnowlesEmeritus WilliamKnuthEmeritus
7 HRTC – Roster cont. FirstLastDescription JosephMajdalaniEducation Subcommittee KohseiMiyataInternational Hee-JangMoonInternational BenvenisteNatanInternational DarioPastroneInternational AriePeretzInternational JohnRemenEmeritus BrettWilliamsWebsite
8 HRTC – Overview 32 Active members 6 Emeritus
9 AIAA Hybrid Rocket Technical Committee Arif Karabeyoglu, Chairman AIAA Hybrid Rocket Technical Committee Arif Karabeyoglu, Chairman Steering Committee Steven Frolic, Vice Chairman (plus all Subcommittee Chairmen) Steering Committee Steven Frolic, Vice Chairman (plus all Subcommittee Chairmen) Treasurer Jeffrey Michlistch Treasurer Jeffrey Michlistch Education Joseph Majdalani Education Joseph Majdalani Membership and Awards Scott Claflin Membership and Awards Scott Claflin Technical Activities Martin Chiaverini Technical Activities Martin Chiaverini Meetings, Conferences, and Publications Brian Evans Meetings, Conferences, and Publications Brian Evans Alon Gany Lester Knox Kohsai Miyata Allen Holzman Arie Peretz Ken Kuo Bob Geisler Eric Rohrbaugh Steve Frolik Jeffrey Michlistch Bill Knuth Nadir Serin Bob Frederick Arif Karabeyoglu Brett Williams Benny Natan Website Editor Brett Williams Website Editor Brett Williams Secretary Jonny Dyer Secretary Jonny Dyer Terry Abel George Story 2009 HRTC Subcommittees – New Position
10 HRTC - Activities HRTC Accomplishments in 2009/2010 Organized nine sessions at the 2010 JPC (33 hybrid papers) Submitted Aerospace America year-end summary article (Steve Frolik volunteered again! Thanks Steve !) Continued with updates of hybrid activities to members (in lieu of formal newsletter) George Story New officers elected – One more spot to fill Supported Congressional Visits Day –Anyone go? HRTC Best Paper Award –AIAA , Gross et al, "Effect of a Diaphragm on Performance and Fuel Regression of a Laboratory Scale Hybrid Rocket Motor Using Nitrous Oxide and Paraffin” HRTC Best Student Paper Award –AIAA , Tsohas, et al., "Development and Launch of the Purdue Hybrid Rocket Technology Demonstrator"
11 Treasurer Report – Jeffrey Michlistch We should have ~$2,000 in the account Web Site Editor - Brett Williams Meeting, Conferences, and Publications – Brian Evans JPC 2009 Aerospace America Highlights issue (Steve Frolik, due August ??) Best Paper Education - Joseph Majdalani Short Course Technical Activities - Marty Chiaverini Membership and Awards – Scott Claflin Best paper Best student paper Other awards Accept new members. HRTC – Activities, subcommitees
12 Still Need These HRTC Metrics
13 HRTC - Activities We continue to work AIAA P&E Metrics (matrix attached). Four metrics were incomplete –E1. Professional Short Courses Joe ran the hybrid course in This metric is complete. –E11. Student Awards (Graduate or Undergraduate): TC sponsored Award or Scholarship sponsored through the AIAA Education Foundation Reinstated in –E13. Lifetime Achievement: TC sponsored award to recognize lifetime achievement that has significantly benefited the industry Nominees? –E14. AIAA Service: TC sponsored award that recognizes continuous and exemplar service supporting TC and other AIAA activities over an extended period of time Nominees? –Wyld Propulsion Award? 2010 Russell A. Ellis, consultant (retired), Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne Renominate Dr. Kuo
14 HRTC – Goals for 2009/2010 §Fill the open position §Complete paperwork for the new members/accept new members Active members Emeritus members §January Telecon with subcommittee leaders §Organize TC paperwork §Refine the TC webpage – Migration to SharePoint §Need pictures, documents, list of publications §Select Best Paper and Student Paper Awards in a timely manner §Complete nominations for §Lifetime achievement award §Wyld Award §Organize sessions for JPC10 §Panels? §Special events? §JPC11 San Diego (1-3 August) §JPC12 §Submit Aerospace America article §TC logo §Send someone to Congressional visit day §Submit proposals to obtain some of the TAC funding §Liaisons to other TC’s §Upgrade AIAA memberships
Other Issues for Discussion Webpage/ Logo Short Course Steering Committee Minutes Hybrid Activities Other? 15
16 Web Page Reminder New and improved website is a must!!! Web site should include Publications/Shared documents Awards Membership Newsletter/Blog Standing committees Announcements Calendar Educational tools Information on nitrous oxide safety Links Must transition to SharePoint Send cool pictures/videos and documents that you can share
LOGO? Do we need a logo? If yes objective: Create a logo that represents the virtues of hybrid rocket propulsion, looks cool but also professional Decision: Words – Education – Safety – Cost effectiveness Symbols – Rocket outline Colors 17 EngineeringEducation
Short Course for 2009 Title of Course: Hybrid Rocket Propulsion Type of Course: (circle) Short Course (classroom) Preferred Course Length: 2 days Is an AIAA Technical Committee sponsoring this Course? AIAA Hybrid Rocket Technical Committee A. Lead Instructor/Point of Contact: Joe Majdalani, PhD, PE Introduction, Classification, Challenges, and Advantages of Hybrids Similarity and Scaling Effects in Hybrid Rocket Motors Analytical Flowfield Modeling of Classical and Non-Classical Hybrid Rockets Solid Fuel Pyrolysis Phenomena and Regression Rate: Mechanisms & Measurement Techniques Combustion Instability and Transient Behavior in Hybrid Rocket Motors Metals, Other Energetic Additives, and Special Binders Used in Solid Fuels for Hybrid Rocket Applications Very important for our TC A total of 22 students Very successful event. Students very engaged. Will be refined. Joe Majdalani has donated 50% of his share of the proceedings to our TC!!!! A DVD containing a large number of technical papers and videos has been mailed to the students. AIAA policy: Short courses every other year Next course at JPC11 San Diego??? 18
19 Membership-Officer activity Life time achievement award nominees Keep short course Need to improve web site Migration of TC websites to SharePoint Technical information Opportunities Technical information – Links to AIAA papers Information on nitrous oxide safety Need paper on cost comparison to hybrids vs. solid and hybrid vs. liquids Congressional visit day – volunteers? Issues From the Hybrid Steering Committee Meeting
20 Hybrid Activities - Summary Strong international, academic/educational and entrepreneurial activity. Small Business: Scaled Composites/SNC team on SS2 SPG ORBITEC EAC Academia Stanford, Penn State, Purdue, US Naval Academy, Utah State, UHA … Educational Fredericksburg High School/Ignite effort of Brett Williams International: Europe: Italy, Israel, Germany, Great Britain, France … Asia: Japan, South Korea, China Latin America: Brazil Other: New Zeeland Industry: No active industry programs Government: NASA Ames Peregrine Sounding Rocket
21 Recent Hybrid Activities - SpaceShipTwo Virgin Galactic has contracted Scaled Composites to build SpaceShipTwo SpaceShipTwo design uses a He pressurized N 2 O based hybrid rocket – huge safety improvement over the blow down system Scaled Composites and SNC are currently testing the full scale propulsion system
22 Recent Hybrid Activities – SPG SPG has started casting the 22 inch diameter (700 kg) paraffin-based fuels Facility can handle grains up to 34 inches in diameter and 14 feet long 24 inch motor (35,000 lbf thrust) testing activity will start in late Continued testing the 11 inch (7,000 lb thrust) LOX/Paraffin-based motor Six rounds of testing has been conducted in AeroTec facility in Butte, Montana Stable operation with no fore end heating has been demonstrated Motor efficiency in the mid to high 90%.
23 Recent Hybrid Activities - Fredericksburg High School Testing of propulsion systems Nine different fuels 40 second test cell online Tested 58 vehicles for 40 schools Mostly 1-lb to 1 mile 30% transonic attempts 3 schools achieved Mach 1+ Brett developed a “Hybrid Sounding Rocket Training Manual” Partnership with White Sands Missile Range New Relationship with NASA Wallops for flight analysis Will meet Gen Bolden to talk about STEM education Working on an educational NSF grant with Joe Majdalani – growth into other states Wanted to discuss Tech support via the internet Ignite website will have secure bulletin board where schools/students can post questions TC members might pick and choose to answer Publication of the training manual
24 Wrap-up Open items