Maintaining Documents and Working with Templates Lesson 12
Software Orientation The Outline View tab contains buttons for working with long documents and arranging the document into smaller sections. The Outlining tab is shown below. Use this figure as a reference throughout this lesson as well as the rest of this book.
Arranging Document Views Creating master documents enables you to work efficiently with large reports such as your research paper. Creating sections in a long document makes it more manageable and easy to edit.
Working with a Master and Subdocuments The master document is the main document from a Word file and is organized into smaller sections. Subdocuments are the sections within the master document that have been separated into smaller sections. The subdocuments exist within the master document and as a separate file. You can edit from your master document or work in the subdocument as a separate individual document. When you edit and save subdocuments independently, the master document automatically gets updated. When you need to review the master document, all editing changes will appear in the document.
Saving the Master Document You must save the master document first before creating subdocuments. In the following exercise, you will learn to save the master document.
Step-by-Step: Save the Master Document OPEN the hosting document from lesson folder.. Click the File tab, then Save As. In the Save As dialog box, use the scroll bar to locate your USB flash drive. Click the New folder button located under the address bar and Key MASTER_DOCUMENT, and press Enter. Then click the Open button to place the MASTER_DOCUMENT folder in the address bar, or double-click. You are creating a folder in which to save the master document file.
Step-by-Step: Save the Master Document In the File name box, Key master_proposal. The file in the folder is shown at right. Click the Save button to save the document in the MASTER_DOCUMENT folder. LEAVE the document open for the next exercise. Creating and saving documents was covered in Lesson 1.
Creating Subdocuments A subdocument is part of the master document and separated into small sections. The first step is identifying the levels within the subdocuments. A heading style should be identified within the document first to determine the outline level. Editing subdocuments automatically updates the master document. The Outlining tab contains the Collapse and Expand subdocument buttons that correlate with the master document. In the following exercise, you will be saving the document as a master document in a specific folder and creating subdocuments that are saved separately.
Step-by-Step: Create Subdocuments USE the document open from the previous exercise. Click the View tab in the Document Views group, click the Outline button. The Outlining tab is now available on the Ribbon. In the Outline Tools group, click the drop-down arrow at Show Level and select Level 1 to make the document more manageable. This document has already been formatted with heading styles; when you change the levels, the document collapses and only Level 1 displays as shown below.
Step-by-Step: Create Subdocuments On the Master Document group, click Show Document. Additional commands appear on the Ribbon as displayed below. Click the plus (+) symbol next to Introduction to select the heading. The paragraph within the heading is also selected automatically.
Step-by-Step: Create Subdocuments On the Master Document group, click the Create button to create a subdocument. Notice that Introduction is surrounded by a border. The border indicates this is a subdocument. Also, it automatically places a continuous section break and the Collapse button is activated in the Master Document group. Select the plus (+) symbol next to the Account Information heading then click the Create button on the Master Document group. A border is placed around the subdocument, Account Information, heading. Section breaks were covered in Lesson 5.
Step-by-Step: Create Subdocuments Repeat your steps for the remaining headings, Indemnification/Warranties, Prohibited Uses of Services and Products, Bandwidth and Utilization, Security/Software, Violation, Confidentiality, and Refusal of Service. The document should display as shown below, with a border around each subdocument. LEAVE the document open to use in the next exercise.
Saving Subdocuments The master document will be saved with the subdocuments. Word automatically creates the file name for the subdocuments based on their heading styles and saves them as separate files.
Step-by-Step: Step-by-Step: Save Subdocuments USE the document that is open from the previous exercise. 1. Click the SAVE button on the Quick Access Toolbar to save the master_proposal with the updated changes made to the document. Word saves each subdocument as a separate file based on the heading. Click the File tab and then CLOSE. LEAVE the document open to use in the next exercise.
Step-by-Step: View the Subdocuments in the Master Document USE the document that is open from the previous exercise. Click the File tab and click Open. The MASTER_DOCUMENT folder is already opened. Word automatically saves each subdocument as separate files based on their headings. You started with one file in your MASTER_DOCUMENT folder and now you have several subdocuments. Select the master_proposal document and click OPEN or double-click. When opening a master document, the subdocuments will show the target location of the saved master document in a hyperlink. By default the subdocuments are locked and collapsed.
Step-by-Step: View the Subdocuments in the Master Document The document with the target location of the saved subdocuments with hyperlinks is shown below. Each hyperlink will go directly to the subdocument when opened. LEAVE Word open for the next exercise.
Expanding and Collapsing Subdocuments To view the master document with its contents, click the Expand subdocuments button. The Collapse subdocuments button will close the subdocuments. In the following exercise, you will expand and collapse subdocuments.
Step-by-Step: Expand and Collapse Subdocuments Click the Expand Subdocuments button in the Master Document group and notice that all subdocuments are ex- panded as shown at right Each heading and its contents now appear within a border. Click the Collapse Subdocument button in the Master Document group. LEAVE Word open for the next exercise. Troubleshooting: If you do not see the headings and contents in a border, click the Show Documents button in the Master Documents group.
Promoting and Demoting Subdocuments Rearrange the levels in Word by promoting and demoting subdocuments just like you would in an outline for a research paper. For instance, to demote the Level 1 heading to a Level 2, you would use the Outline Tools groups. In this lesson, you learn to promote and demote levels.
Step-by-Step: Promote and Demote Subdocuments USE the document that is open from the previous exercise. Click the Expand Subdocuments button in the Master Document group to expand all subdocuments. Point at the plus (+) symbol next to the Account Information heading—the mouse pointer changes to the four move arrows, click once. In the Outline Tools groups in the Outlining tab, click the Demote button once. The Account Information has been demoted to a Level 2 has shown on the next slide.
Step-by-Step: Promote and Demote Subdocuments Another Way: You can click the drop-down arrow by the Promote and Demote buttons in the Outline Tools and select the level. Click the Promote arrow once. The Account Information has been promoted back to a Level 1. Click the Demote button again to demote back to a Level 2. LEAVE Word open for the next exercise.
Reorganizing Subdocuments Subdocuments can be rearranged within the master document. The order of subdocuments can be moved from one location to another by using the command buttons on the Outlining tab or by dragging and dropping. Or you can merge two or more subdocuments into one subdocument. In the following exercise, you will reorganize subdocuments.
Step-by-Step: Reorganize Subdocuments USE the document that is open from the previous exercise. Deselect Account Information by clicking in a blank area of the document screen. On the Outline Tools, click the check box to add a check mark next to Show First Line Only. The subdocuments now display only the first line and hide the remaining contents, which makes the subdocuments more manageable to work with. Click the plus (+) symbol by the Indemnification/Warranties subdocument to select. Position the insertion point over the plus (+) symbol until you see the move arrows (four arrows).
Step-by-Step: Reorganize Subdocuments Press and hold the mouse button and drag and drop above Account Information in between the continuous section breaks. As you drag, you will see a solid arrow on the left side and a gray horizontal line—position the move arrow between the Continuous Section Breaks (see right). The Indemnification/ Warranties subdocument now follows the first para- graph, Introduction, and the border that surrounded the subdocument has been removed. Click the Create button in the Master Document group to create a subdocument. A border is placed around the Indemnification/Warranties heading. Deselect.
Step-by-Step: Reorganize Subdocuments Scroll down and click to select the subdocument icon to Security/Software subdocument heading and its contents. On the Outline Tools group, click the Move Down button until it is positioned below the Continuous Section Break below Violation. The Security/Software subdocument is no longer surrounded by a border. Click the Create button on the Master Document group to create the selection as a subdocument. A border appears around the Security/Software heading and its content. Click the Save button in the Quick Access Toolbar and click the File tab, then click Close to close the master_proposal document.
Step-by-Step: Reorganize Subdocuments Click the File tab then Open and select the master_proposal document and double-click to open. The document opens with hyperlinks. The updated changes to the subdocuments are shown in the hyperlinks. The Indemnification/Warranties subdocument new file name has been changed to Indeminification1 and Security/Software has been changed to Security1. Click the Expand Documents button in the Master Document group. Click the View tab, in the Document Views, then click Print Layout and scroll through the document and review the changes made. The Indemnification/Warranties is listed as the second heading following Introduction, then followed by the Account Information and Security/Software is positioned below Violation. LEAVE Word open for the next exercise.
Editing an Individual Subdocument Subdocuments can be managed in the master document or you can open the document in its own window. In the following exercise, you will edit a subdocument while in the master document and edit a subdocument separately.
Step-by-Step: Edit an Individual Subdocument In the Documents Views group, click the Outline button to open the Outlining tab. Click the Collapse button to display the hyperlinks for the subdocuments. Point to the Introduction subdocument hyperlink, press the Ctrl key and click to open in a separate window. The subdocument opens in a new window and is ready for editing and formatting. In the first sentence, double-click to select principles, then press and hold the Ctrl key and double-click guidelines and requirements. Then in the second sentence, double-click integrity, security and reliability and privacy.
Step-by-Step: Edit an Individual Subdocument On the Home tab, in the Font group, click the Bold button then click the drop-down arrow next to the Font Color button to open the menu. In the Standard Colors, select Dark Red. Click the Save button on the Quick Access Toolbar and close the Introduction subdocument file. Click the Outlining tab to make it available with its commands. In the Master Document group, click the Expand Subdocument button. Notice the bolded Dark Red text under the Introduction heading. Changes made in the Introduction subdocument automatically updated the master document. Click the Collapse Subdocuments button to close.
Step-by-Step: Edit an Individual Subdocument Click the Save button on the Quick Access Toolbar and close the master_proposal document. Click the File tab then Open. The Open dialog box opens and the MASTER_DOCUMENT folder is opened on the address bar. Select the Prohibited Uses of Services and Products subdocument and click Open or double-click. Editing a subdocument in its own window makes it more manageable to format the document. Triple-click to select the second paragraph, and then click the Page Layout tab in the Page Background group, click the Page Borders button. Click the Borders tab, under the Setting section, select Shadow. Click the drop-down arrow in the Width section and select 2¼; then under the Color section, click the drop-down arrow and select Red, Accent 2 color (first row sixth option) under the Theme colors. A colored border with a 2¼ width will be applied to the paragraph.
Step-by-Step: Edit an Individual Subdocument Click the Shading tab then under the Fill section, click the drop-down arrow and select the Red, Accent 2, Lighter 80 % color (second row sixth option) in the Theme colors. A shading will be applied to the paragraph within the border. Click OK. Under the following headings, General, System and Network and Billings, select the contents with the bullets and on the Home tab, Paragraph group, click the drop-down arrow on the Bullets button and select the solid diamond. The bullets have been replaced with the new bullets on the selected text. Scroll down to the end of the document last paragraph and select the Next Page Section break and press the Delete key to remove the blank page at the end of the document.
Step-by-Step: Edit an Individual Subdocument Click the Save button on the Quick Access Toolbar to save the Prohibited Uses of Services and Products subdocument. CLOSE the subdocument. The master document is automatically updated after you save the subdocument. Click the File tab then Open. The MASTER_DOCUMENT folder is opened, select the master_proposal and click Open or double-click to open the document. Click the Expand Subdocument button on the Master Document group to expand the contents within the headings. Scroll down and notice the bullets under the headings, General, System and Network and Billings.
Step-by-Step: Edit an Individual Subdocument On the Close group, click the Close Outline View button. The document is now in Print Layout view, scroll down and notice the border and shading in the second paragraph under the Prohibited Uses of Services and Products. (See above.) You can view the border and shading in Print Layout. On the Document Views group, in the View tab, click the Outline button. CLOSE the file. If prompted to save changes, click Save and the document will close. LEAVE the document open for the next exercise.
Software Orientation You can work more efficiently by basing many of your new documents on templates that Word provides—many choices are available for working with templates, as shown below.
Working with Templates A template is a master document with predefined page layout, fonts, margins, and styles that is used to create new documents that will share the same basic formatting. Using templates keeps you from having to recreate documents such as interoffice memorandums, monthly newsletters that you share with employees, recordings of minutes from meetings, and more. In Backstage, the New command allows you to work with templates that are already installed, search for a template online, open a blank template, or create your own template.
Working With Templates You can choose from many different categories of templates, such as letters, memos, resumes, flyers, forms, and more. Some templates are preinstalled with Word and there are more options available online. Templates are reusable even if you saved the document with a different file name. In the following exercise, you will locate an installed template.
Step-by-Step: Locate a Template Installed on Your Computer If necessary, before you begin these steps, launch Word. Click the File tab, then select New. In the Available Templates categories, click Sample Templates. Sample Templates are stored on your computer with many different options from which to select. Scroll down and click Origin Fax. A preview of the template appears in the right pane, as shown on the next slide. Notice that the default setting is Document. Templates created will open as a document based on the template selected and will affect only that document. If you change the radio button to Templates, it will allow you to create your own personal template based on an existing template or you can create your own and save it in the Templates folder for easy retrieval. Troubleshooting: If your computer does not have this preinstalled template under Sample Templates, simply choose another one.
Step-by-Step: Locate a Template Installed on Your Computer To see more templates, use the vertical scroll bar to scroll through the list and click to preview. Select the Oriel Report then click Create. The report is displayed on your screen. Notice that this document contains features covered in previous lessons such as placeholders, quotes text boxes, and styles. CLOSE; do not save the report. LEAVE the program open for the next exercise. Another Way: You can double-click on a template to open it.
Finding Templates on the Internet Microsoft offers numerous templates online and these are also available from third-party providers, as well as other users in the community. You can select from a category using the Templates section or search for a template using the Search bar and searching by keywords. You can also use the Help feature and search for additional information on templates on your computer or online. You must be connected to the Internet to search for templates online. In the following exercise, you will select a template category and view a listing of templates online.
Step-by-Step: Find Templates on the Internet Click the File tab, then New. In the Template section, click Agendas. Notice the additional agenda templates available. Locate Agenda (Capsules design) and click on it to preview. The preview pane displays download size and the user rating for that template in the upper right pane as shown above. The agenda is predesigned with bullets and is ready to use. Take Note: You must be connected to the Internet to view online templates.
Step-by-Step: Find Templates on the Internet Below the Available Templates, click the Home button. In the Templates section, click the Flyers category and notice the subcategories options. Click the Event flyers folder to see the templates in that subcategory and scroll and preview. In the Search for templates box, key marketing and press Enter. You can search for templates in the search box. Click Event marketing brochure (Accessory design) and click Download or double-click. View the template and close the document without saving. CLOSE Word. Take Note: To find additional information on templates, use the Help feature F1 or click the Help icon.
Lesson Summary