DATA PROTECTION IN THE AGO Christina Beusch Deputy Attorney General WA State Attorney General’s Office
It’s Not Just Our Clients’ Problem! Paralegal: Where is that disk? Legal Assistant: Oops – Wrong address! AAG: I need a USB flash drive to download documents to take to court. Investigator: My car was parked right in front of my house and the file was on the backseat. Manager: It’s just easier if I travel with these reports on my Kindle Reader.
Source of Privacy Obligations HIPAA/HITECH – AGO is a “business associate” State health information privacy laws, e.g. ch RCW State and federal personal information privacy laws e.g. RCW , Gramm- Leach-Bliley Act Attorney-Client and Work Product Privileges
Know Your Data Category 1 – Public Information Category 2 – Sensitive Information – not specifically protected but for official use only Category 3 – Confidential Information – privileged, personal/ personnel, security Category 4 – Confidential Information Requiring Special Handling – strict legal requirements and sanctions apply, e.g. health information, SSNs, personal financial info
Create a Data Protection Program Assemble office experts to advise management and empower them to do the job Have strong senior executive support Adopt specific and legally compliant policies, procedures, and business rules to govern how staff are required to protect data and address breaches Document data protection obligations in client MOUs and vendor contracts
Implement a Data Protection Program Can’t have protection without education Train new employees and existing employees at regular intervals and document training Create a culture of compliance, e.g. use strategic plans, staff meetings, CLEs, signage Keep up with technology – identify new ways data can be compromised and find new tools to safeguard data so staff can do business
A “Toolkit” IT Security Policy Mobile Device Policy HIPAA/HITECH Policy Breach Notification Protocol Division/Unit Business Rules Client MOU for HIPAA /HITECH Compliance Contract language for HIPAA /HITECH Compliance