Community Education
Importance of Community Education Encourages active participation by clients Encourages clients to be informed consumers Encourages higher compliance rates Promotes good health and wellness activities
Importance of Community Education Effective means of disease prevention Enhances relationship between clients and healthcare community Effective marketing tools for health prevention
Client Education Verbal Printed Visual
Importance of Community Education Verbal materials Clear instructions Make accommodations to meet specific needs of client
Printed Materials Brochures, booklets, fact sheets –Explain specific diagnostic procedures –Provide information about diseases/medical conditions, health maintenance, or pharmaceuticals
Printed Materials Newsletters provide healthcare tips, office policies, new discoveries in health care Community Resource Directory Directors names, addresses, and phone numbers of available medical services Post-procedural sheets
Visual Materials Best methods for comprehension Use in conjunction with written materials Video tapes – effective for complicated topics and procedures
Visual Materials Seminars and classes: conducted by healthcare professionals utilizing a variety of multimedia technologies Bulletin boards Billboards Anatomical models Computer software programs
Multicultural Issues Clients with different cultural backgrounds may differ in: –Perception of the cause of illness –Perceive and report signs; symptoms –Treatment expectations –Willingness to follow instructions –Compliance
Multicultural Issues Understanding and respecting differences will enhance communication
Verify Client Understanding Verify Client Understanding Have a client explain information in their own words Have client repeat any demonstrations to verify understanding