Fred Meyer Vitalicious Presentation “It’s not just a great tasting breakfast, it’s a meal that keeps you going all day”
TTL Vitalicious Brand Market Ranking Source IRI week ending March 19,2006 MarketRanking $ % of Chng Units % of Chng TTL US #14 out of 98 SKU’s TTL Northeast #8 out of 60 SKU’s TTL Boston #5 out of 28 SKU’s TTL Chicago #16 out of 18 SKU’s TTL New England #6 out of 18 SKU’s TTL New York #9 out of 47 SKU’s
TTL Vitalicious Dollar Sales TTL US $2,342,288 ( vs YAG) n TTL New York Dollar Sales; –$1,010,846 ( vs YAG) n TTL New England Dollar Sales; –$68, ( vs YAG) n TTL Northeast Dollar Sales; –$1,958,264 ( vs YAG) n TTL Boston Dollar Sales; –$310,405 ( vs YAG) n TTL Chicago Dollar Sales; –8, ( vs YAG) All Markets show at least double Digit Dollar growth vs YAG Source IRI week ending March 19,2006
TTL Frozen Muffin Segment Dollar % Chng vs YAG Units % Chng vs YAG TTL US +.55%-2.90% TTL Northeast +8.19%+4.10% TTL Chicago +1.58%+.13% TTL New England +2.59%-1.06% TTL New York -2.57%-.96% Vitalicious Brand vs TTL Frozen Muffin Segment TTL Vitalicious Dollar % Chng vs YAG Units % Chng vs YAG TTL US %+75.62% TTL Northeast %+80.03% TTL Chicago % % TTL New England % % TTL New York %+91.43% Frozen Muffin Segment Vitalicious Brand Source IRI week ending March 19,2006
Competitive Frozen Muffin Data (TTL US Market) n #1 Private Label$75,669, vs YAG n #2 Interstate Brands$37,862, vs YAG n #3 George Weston$32,723, vs YAG n #4 Otis Spunkmeyer$18,416, vs YAG n #5 McKee Foods Corp$6,178, vs YAG n #6 Dawn Foods$6,085, vs YAG n #7General Mills$5,107, vs YAG n #8Uncle No Name$4,712, vs YAG n #9 Telco Food$4,676, vs YAG n #10 Bimbo Bakeries$4,430, vs YAG n n #14 Vitalicious$2,342, vs YAG Source IRI week ending March 19,2006 Vitalicious continues to Show dramatic growth in units and dollars
Source IRI week ending March 19,2006 Market Deep Choc CranberryBlueberry Multi Bran Banana Nut Apple Berry New England +1313%+805%+493%+467%+27%+38% US+189%+82%+59%+89%+11%+22% New York +242%+87%+51%+79%+21%+24% Boston+310%+119%+84%+2119%+10%+16% Northeast+222%+85%+49%+105%+5%+13% Chicago+209%+119% Vitalicious % of Change vs YAG (dollars)