Eye Stye
What is an Eye Stye? Looks like a small pimple like bump on the eyelid. Often has a yellow or white color to it. Can be on one eyelid or both due to cross- infection. Internal- on underside of lid, often swells and will disappear soon but may leave a cyst. External- small pimple next to eyelash then turns into painful swelling for several days.
What an Eye Stye effects An eye stye is an infection or inflammation of the sweat gland on the eyelid.
Signs of Eye Stye A bump near the edge of the eyelid that is red, swollen, hot, and very tender. Contact a doctor if: The swelling does not subside within a few days or seems to be getting worse You have pain in or around the eye
Cause The blocking of an oil gland at the base of an eyelash most commonly causes a stye Styes can be formed due to lack of sleep, poor nutrition, bad hygiene, or rubbing of the eyes.
Treatment A warm compress is the primary form of treatment for a stye. If the stye worsens or does not begin to heal within 48 hours of starting the warm compress, a doctor should be contacted. Doctors can either prescribe ointment to speed up healing or puncture with a needle to speed up draining process. Never pop an eye stye by yourself, and always keep it clean and speed up healing.
Worst Case Scenario If left untreated, an eye stye should go away on its own after 1 to 2 weeks. If treated, the stye may disappear after as little as four days. Worst case, the stye can cause a cosmetic deformity, corneal irritation, or require surgical removal in few cases. Eye sight can be impaired if the stye becomes too large. An infection of the eyelid may occur in rare cases, and very rarely has the infection ever spread throughout the body.
Eye Stye Facts All ages of people can experience an eye stye, but most often, they occur in teens. More women than men get eye styes due to their makeup clogging an oil gland. Eye styes can be fatal if they turn into an infection and spread throughout the body.
Work Cited http://www.fairview.org/fv/groups/public/documents/images/113 441.jpg http://www.disabled-world.com/disability/types/vision/eye- sty.php http://www.bupa.co.uk/jahia/webdav/site/bupacouk/shared/Imag es/Text%20Block/health-information/health-factsheets/stye- 427x240.jpg http://www.webmd.com/eye-health/understanding-sty-symptoms http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stye#Signs_and_symptoms http://styeeye16.webs.com/5.jpg http://www.mastereyeassociates.com/Portals/60407/images/Eyel id%20diagram%20Cilia%20meibomian%20glands%20Zeis%20gl ands-resized-600.png http://www.visionweb.com/vwweb/images/content/consumers/ill ustrations/conditionsanddiseases_stye.jpeg