ABDOMINAL AREA §Pertaining to the area in front of body §contains: l stomach l small intestine l part of large intestine l liver l gallbladder l pancreas l spleen
ANATOMY §Study of: l form & structure of an organism
CELL §Microscopic structures §Carry on all functions of life §Take in oxygen & food §Produce heat & energy §Move & adapt to environment §eliminate wastes
CIRCULATORY SYSTEM §Transportation system l Transport Oxygen & Nutrients §Contains: l Heart l Blood vessels l Blood
DIGESTIVE SYSTEM §Gastro-Intestinal System §Physical and chemical breakdown of food §Consists: l Alimentary canal l and accessory organs
ENDOCRINE SYSTEM §Group of ductless glands §Secretes hormones into the bloodstream
EXCRETORY SYSTEM §Urinary System §removal of waste l excess water l maintaining acid-base balance §Contains: l kidneys l ureters l bladder l urethra
INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM §Skin §Membrane & Organ §Contains: l Several kinds of tissue
LYMPHATIC SYSTEM §Works with circulatory system §Removes wastes §Removes excess fluids from tissue §Contains: l Lymph l Lymph vessels l Lymph nodes l Lymphatic tissue
MUSCULAR SYSTEM §Over 600 muscles §Three kinds of muscles l visceral/smooth l skeletal l cardiac
NERVOUS SYSTEM §Complex & organized system §coordinates all activities of the body §allows body to adapt to changes §allows body to respond to changes
ORGAN §Two or more tissues joined together to perform specific function
PHYSIOLOGY §Study of the processes of living organisms §Why & how they work
REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM §Production of new life §Contains: l gonads(sex glands) l ducts(tubes) l accessory organs
RESPIRATORY SYSTEM §Taking in oxygen §Removing Carbon Dioxide §Contains: l Lungs l Air passages
SKELETAL SYSTEM §206 bones §Framework §Protection §Levers §Production of blood cells §Contains: l organs called bones
SYSTEM §Organs or body parts that join together to performs a particular function
THORACIC §Pertaining to chest or thorax
TISSUE §Cells of same type join together for a common purpose § % WATER
URINARY SYSTEM §Removal of certain waste §Removal of excess water §Maintain an acid - base balance