Rome’s Beginnings
The Origins of Rome Geography was important for the rise of Roman civilization. Across the top are the Alps, high mountains that separate Italy from European lands to the north. Italy’s mountain slopes level off to large flat plains that are ideal for agriculture.
Where was Rome located? Rome was built about 15 miles up the Tiber River Tiber River Rome was far enough from the sea to escape raids from pirates. Rome was built on a series of seven hills, making it easy to defend the city. Rome became a stopping place for merchant ships sailing in the Mediterranean.
Italy and the Tiber River
How did Rome begin? Twin brothers named Romulus and Remus founded the city in 753 B.C.RomulusRemus As babies, the boys were abandoned near the Tiber. They were rescued by a wolf and raised by a shepherd. Romulus killed Remus and became the first king of Rome, which he named after himself.
Early Influences From the Greeksthe Greeks Agriculture Architecture Alphabet Literature From the Etruscansthe Etruscans Army Clothing Streets Temples Public Buildings
The Birth of the Republic The ruling family, called the Tarquis was cruel. In 509 B.C. The Romans rebelled. They overthrew the Tarquis and established a republic. Over the next 200 years, the Romans fought war after war against their neighbors.
Why was Rome so strong? Excellent soldiers Tough discipline transformed soldiers into fighters who didn’t give up easily, The army was well organized.
Shrewd Rulers Romans were great planners. They built permanent military settlements. They allowed conquered people to have Roman citizenship and were treated under the Roman law.Roman law
Locating Places Sicily (SIH-suh-lee) Apennines (A-puh-NYNZ) Latium (LAY-Shee-uhm) Tiber River (TY-buhr) Etruria (ih-TRUR-ee-uh)
Meeting People Romulus (RAHM-yuh- luhs) Remus (REE-muhs) Aeneas (ih-NEE-uhs) Latins (LA-tuhnz) Etruscans (ih- TRUHS-kuhnz) Tarquins (TAHR- kwinhnz)