The Birth of the Republic
The Seven Kings of Rome Romulus Numa Pompilius Tullius Hostilius Ancus Marcius Tarquin Dynasty – Tarquinius Priscus – Servius Tullius – Tarquinius Superbus
Tarquinius Priscus (616 – 579BC) wealthy businessman guardian of Ancus’ sons expansion of Senate ludi Romani Circus Maximus triumph (aquila) adoption of Servius Tullius regicide and Tanaquil’s manipulation
THINK PAIR SHARE: What is your impression of the first Tarquin?
Servius Tullius (578 – 534BC) Census comitia centuriata – Equestrians (12) – 1 st Class (80) – 2 nd, 3 rd, 4 th (20 each) – 5 th (30) – Proles (1) temple to Diana Lucius & Tullia Prima and Aruns & Tullia Secunda Desecration of Servius
Lucius Tarquinius Superbus (534 – 509BC) Cloaca Maxima Iuppiter Capitolinus Indifference towards the Senate Reign of Terror Purge Council of Latium Books of the Sibyl
Rape of Lucretia Sextus Tarquinius Tarquinius Collatinus Ardea “Be still, Lucretia! I am Sextus Tarquinius. My sword is in my hand. Utter a sound, and you die!” threat of disgrace father and husband arrive with a “trusted friend” (Lucius Junius Brutus) “for my own part, though I acquit myself of the sin, I do not absolve myself from punishment; nor in time to come shall ever unchaste woman live through the example of Lucretia”
“By this blood, most chaste until a prince wronged it, I swear, and I take you, gods, to witness, that I will pursue Lucius Tarquinius Superbus and his wicked wife and all his children, with sword, with fire, aye with whatsoever violence I may; and that I will suffer neither them nor any other to be king in Rome!”
THINK PAIR SHARE: To what extent do you believe the story of Tarquin Superbus is based on fact?
Overthrow of Monarchy mutiny at Ardea 509BC establishment of the consulship (toga praetexta, faces) Lucius Tarquinius Collatinus, and Lucius Junius Brutus Oath before Iuppiter
resignation of Collatinus election of Publius Valerius coniuratio of Brutus’ sons Tarquin and the Veii Death of Brutus Publicola
Lars Porsenna Horatius Mucius Scaevola
Latin League Lavinium Battle of Lake Regillus Aulus Postumius, Dictator
THINK PAIR SHARE: What precedents were established by Brutus and Collatinus? What important themes and beliefs change during this revolution from monarchy to republic; what important themes and beliefs remain consistent?