Roman History Part I: Monarchy to Republic Culture Unit for 1 st and 2 nd year.


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Presentation transcript:

Roman History Part I: Monarchy to Republic Culture Unit for 1 st and 2 nd year

Prehistory: Aeneas, Rome’s Great Ancestor Aeneas: Trojan, son of Venus, survivor of Trojan War Aeneas: Trojan, son of Venus, survivor of Trojan War Visits ancient Carthage, enrages queen Dido and creates eternal enmity between Rome and Carthage Visits ancient Carthage, enrages queen Dido and creates eternal enmity between Rome and Carthage Comes to Italy, founds Lavinium (named for his 2 nd wife, Lavinia) Comes to Italy, founds Lavinium (named for his 2 nd wife, Lavinia)

Prehistory: Iulus, Founder of a Kingly Line Iulus: son of Aeneas, sometimes called Ascanius Iulus: son of Aeneas, sometimes called Ascanius From Lavinium, sets out to found his own city, Alba Longa. From Lavinium, sets out to found his own city, Alba Longa. All the Alban kings descend from him. All the Alban kings descend from him. Iulius Caesar claims him as the founer of the gens Iulii. Iulius Caesar claims him as the founer of the gens Iulii.

Ab Alba ad Romam Numitor and Amulius: Brothers, rivals for throne of Alba Numitor and Amulius: Brothers, rivals for throne of Alba Rhea Silvia: daughter of Numitor Rhea Silvia: daughter of Numitor Numitor is rightful king, but Amulius overthrows him. Numitor is rightful king, but Amulius overthrows him. Amulius places Rhea in the order of Virgines Vestiales. Amulius places Rhea in the order of Virgines Vestiales.

Ab Alba Ad Romam Mars, god of war, visits Rhea, and she bears him two sons, Romulus and Remus Mars, god of war, visits Rhea, and she bears him two sons, Romulus and Remus Amulius has children carried to Tiber to drown Amulius has children carried to Tiber to drown River floods, carrying boys downstream and landing them on the shore of what will be Rome. River floods, carrying boys downstream and landing them on the shore of what will be Rome. Found by a lupa, nursed by her. Found by a lupa, nursed by her.

Ab Alba Ad Romam Bronze image of the “Capitoline Wolf” as would have been seen in the Curia (Senate House) in the Forum Romanum

Ab Alba Ad Romam Later found by shepherd Faustulus, who raised them as his sons. Later found by shepherd Faustulus, who raised them as his sons. In time, boys learn of their true heritage, return to Alba and restore Numitor to the throne. In time, boys learn of their true heritage, return to Alba and restore Numitor to the throne.

Urbem Aedificemus! Romulus and Remus return to the site of their landing, deciding to found a city. Romulus and Remus return to the site of their landing, deciding to found a city. Romulus chooses what will be the Palatine hill to start the city; Remus chooses what will be the Aventine hill. Romulus chooses what will be the Palatine hill to start the city; Remus chooses what will be the Aventine hill. Who is right? Well, we don’t call it “Reme” now, do we? Who is right? Well, we don’t call it “Reme” now, do we?

Signum Ex Deis Both pray for a sign about what to do Both pray for a sign about what to do Remus sees 6 vultures fly towards him. Remus sees 6 vultures fly towards him. Romulus then sees 12 vultures fly towards him. Declares his sign the better of the two. Romulus then sees 12 vultures fly towards him. Declares his sign the better of the two.

Mors! Caeds! Two versions of what happens next: Two versions of what happens next: I- Romulus and his followers fight Remus and his followers. Remus dies in the scuffle. I- Romulus and his followers fight Remus and his followers. Remus dies in the scuffle. II- Remus jumps over the wall of Romulus’ new city. Romulus kills him for violating sacred space (pomerium). II- Remus jumps over the wall of Romulus’ new city. Romulus kills him for violating sacred space (pomerium).

Romulus Rex Est! With the death of Remus, Romulus’ city becomes THE city. With the death of Remus, Romulus’ city becomes THE city. Early people declare Romulus king. Early people declare Romulus king.

Cum Romulus Romam rexit… Rome is a rough town, mainly shepherds and outcasts. Rome is a rough town, mainly shepherds and outcasts. Many men, few women. Romulus has a plan, though. Many men, few women. Romulus has a plan, though. Invites neighboring tribe, the Sabini (Sabines) to a festival to Neptune. At his signal, Romans snatch up Sabine maidens. Invites neighboring tribe, the Sabini (Sabines) to a festival to Neptune. At his signal, Romans snatch up Sabine maidens.

Romani Sabinas Rapiunt “ Rape of the Sabine Women” by Nicolas Poussin, 1635

Romani et Sabini Sabine men return in force to attack Rome. Sabine men return in force to attack Rome. Let into the city by a traitorous woman named Tarpeia. Let into the city by a traitorous woman named Tarpeia. Fighting ceases when Sabine women claim that they do not want to be widowed and orphaned on the same day. Fighting ceases when Sabine women claim that they do not want to be widowed and orphaned on the same day.

Romulus vixit! Romulus for a time co-ruled with a Sabine named Titus Tatius. Romulus for a time co-ruled with a Sabine named Titus Tatius. Two stories about Romulus’ death: Two stories about Romulus’ death: Rushed by people and killed in the Forum. Rushed by people and killed in the Forum. Taken to Olympus by Mars in a fiery chariot. Deified as Quirinus, Romans then called “Quirites.” Taken to Olympus by Mars in a fiery chariot. Deified as Quirinus, Romans then called “Quirites.”

Reges Romani Numa Pompilius Numa Pompilius Sabine origin Sabine origin Established most of Rome’s religious customs. Established most of Rome’s religious customs. Tullus Hostilius Tullus Hostilius Military focus Military focus Conquered Alba Longa Conquered Alba Longa Died during a plague while performing a sacrifice to Iupiter. Ancus Marcius Ancus Marcius Descendant of Numa Built walls, prison, bridge, and port city (Ostia).

Reges Romani Tarquinius Priscus Tarquinius Priscus Came from Etruria Came from Etruria Elected king by fraud Elected king by fraud Killed by Ancus’ sons. Killed by Ancus’ sons. Servius Tullius Servius Tullius Son-in-law of Priscus Expanded Rome to cover 7 hills. Began a census and assigned Romans to classes based on wealth and pedigree.

Reges Romani Tarquinius Superbus Tarquinius Superbus Killed Servius, his father-in-law Killed Servius, his father-in-law Built Templum Iovis Optimi Maximi and the Cloaca Maxima (Rome’s main sewer) Built Templum Iovis Optimi Maximi and the Cloaca Maxima (Rome’s main sewer) Son, Sextus, raped Lucretia, his cousin’s wife. Told husband Collatinus and friend L. Brutus (ancestor of M. Brutus) what happened, then killed herself.

Mors Lucretiae “Rape of Lucretia” by Alessandro Botticelli

Regnum Non Iam! Brutus and Collatinus, along with others, move to overthrow Tarquin the Proud and his family. Brutus and Collatinus, along with others, move to overthrow Tarquin the Proud and his family. Last king’s rule ends in 510 B.C. Last king’s rule ends in 510 B.C. Following year, Brutus and Collatinus elected the first heads of the new government, the Res Publica (Republic). This government lasts for almost 500 years. Following year, Brutus and Collatinus elected the first heads of the new government, the Res Publica (Republic). This government lasts for almost 500 years.

Reges Septem The Seven Kings in order, then: The Seven Kings in order, then: Romulus Romulus Numa Pompilius Numa Pompilius Tullus Hostilius Tullus Hostilius Ancus Marcius Ancus Marcius Tarquinius Priscus Tarquinius Priscus Servius Tullius Servius Tullius Tarquinius Superbus (the Proud) Tarquinius Superbus (the Proud) Rome Now Hates A Tyrant, So They Say Rome Now Hates A Tyrant, So They Say