The Rise of Rome
Early Beginnings
The Geography of Rome What were the geographic conditions of Ancient Rome? How would this affect unity and political rule?
Geographic Factors Link between Europe and Africa: Italian Peninsula is central in Mediterranean world (halfway between east and west) Seclusion: rugged mountains separate northern Italy from the rest of Europe which provide good protection but made communication difficult Agricultural Climate: mild climate, fertile land, river beds, volcanic soil, mountain deposits Rivers: Po and Tiger allowed for transport and created borders from other peoples
Earliest city of Rome Rome was founded at a small settlement in Tiber River Valley = Seven Hills of Palatine. Some confusion as to the origins of Romans. Archaeology History Myth 1000 BCE the area was populated by Latins. We know the Etruscans from the north took over the area around 650 BCE. Romans claim they established Rome on April 21st, 753 BCE.
Romulus & Remus or Aeneas Romulus & Remus were twin brothers of a Vestal Virgin and the God Mars. Eventually abandoned on the river in a basket, they were adopted by a she-wolf and survived. The famous Roman poet Virgil wrote the Aeneid – what Romans believed then. Aenas, a Trojan hero who escaped Troy and a son of Venus, lands in Latium. He marries a king’s daughter which puts him at war with another king. With help of the Etruscan king he wins the war and founds Rome.
The Etruscans inhabitants of Northern Italy c. 750 BCE Conquered Rome around 600 BCE Skilled artisans, farmers and accomplished traders In Rome, the Etruscans dug an enormous ditch (Great Sewer) to create a drained area that became the Forum contributed to the rise of Rome and culture Mysterious people we know little about; don’t understand their writing
Etruscan Contribution First Etruscan King was Romulus Etruscans expanded power and took control over Romans Last Etruscan King was Tarquin the Proud; expelled by a popular rebellion in 509 BCE due to a scandal and his terrorizing reign Romans did not want to be ruled by kings anymore Paved way for Rome to create a democratic republic Etruscan influence on Romans: rectangular urban planning, road and bridge building, alphabet, arch, numerals, gladiators, politics (purple robes) and symbol of fasces
The Roman Forum Then and Now The Roman Forum was the political and economic centre of Rome during the Republic. It became the heart of Rome where people met to talk, do trade, govern and worship.