Main Motions Motions which introduce a subject before the assembly for its consideration.
Procedure for handling a Main Motion A member rises and addresses the chair Mr./Madam President –remain standing
The member is recognized by the chair The chair calls the person by name
The member proposes a main motion I move that this group meet and have dinner at the Pizza Hut at 5pm today. after motion is stated sit down
Another member seconds the main motion I second that motion –seated and without recognition
The chair states the main motion to the assembly It is moved and seconded that this group meet and have dinner at Pizza Hut at 5pm today. Is there any debate? –The chair remains standing
The assembly debates the main motion. Members obtain and yield thew floor the same way as presenting a main motion. –They stand and call the chair and wait to be recognized.
The chair takes a voice vote on the main motion. –Those in favor say Aye – (pause for response) –Those opposed say no This step is also called putting the question
The chair announces the result of the vote and the effect of the action. –The Ayes have it and the motion is adopted. This group will meet and have dinner at Pizza Hut at 5pm today. Is there further new business.