Bea Stotzer March 29,
Community Economic Development Organization Two vital principals: 1. No community can achieve economic stability or prosperity without first addressing the needs of women and children and, 2. Community support and community input in every program and project is the most fundamental element of success in building wealth.
Currently owns and operates : 10 multi-family housing developments – 635 units 2 charter schools – 640 students 2 Community Economic Development Centers: Business Growth Center, Center for Creating NEW Knowledge, Health Clinic and Wellness Center, Residential Services - Technical Assistance, Business Development, Case Management, Financial Literacy, Afterschool programs, Life Skill classes customized for residents Community Services – Homeownership Department (1 st Time Homebuyer Program, Financial Literacy and IDA Programs), Healthy Families (insurance coverage for low income children) 3
Pico-Union Community 81% Latino Population ◦ 4% White ◦ 5% Black/ African American ◦ 7% Asian 40% are not employed Average household income $18,783 Average household size – 4 37% below poverty level and 64% above poverty level 48 % have less then a 9 th grade education 54% high school dropout rate 30% with Bachelors Degree Zip Code Next Door 11% poverty level 89% above poverty level 4
La Posada – 2-yr transitional housing community 45 single mothers and 10 single women 45 children Average age – 24 yrs old Children’s average age – 3 yrs old 50% are Latinas, 45% African American, 2% White and 2% Asian 29 women are on public assistance (CalWorks and Food Stamps) 22 are working (may receive some cash assistance and/or food stamps) 5
Composite of a La Posada Mom 24-year Latina with a 3-year old child Receives some public assistance ◦ $450 average monthly income (CalWorks and Food Stamps) ◦ $380 in monthly expenses for rent and meals at La Posada Former foster child Victim of domestic violence 6
A La Posada Mom’s Day-to-Day Challenges Lacks child care Lacks transportation Spend hours each month interacting with public programs to receive support and services 7
NEW’s Unique Approach Social Entrepreneurs RICOS Connect and Succeed Whole-Family Education 8
Opportunities Increase government accountability to ensure improvements in quality of life 9