Classic League Referee Meeting
Welcome Thank you for attending Review Processes and Procedures – Consistency This is the Classic League – When the league defines a policy and tells us what to do: We do it If you can’t abide by the league policies, let Carlos or Sandey know so you can be replaced
Showing up for Games When do you show up for games? – At a minimum, 30 minutes before kick-off Where do you need to be? – You must check in with the referee coordinator It is preferred that you check in at the office in person Less desirable, calling from the field – Why? – What happens at check-in?
Showing up for Games Pick up game cards – Check to make sure you have the correct times and field, read the notes Referee Coordinators are not responsible for delivering the cards to each field Head out to the fields with enough time to do a pregame and check in the teams
Team Check In We need to be consistent! – Faster and easier on the teams Virtual cards will be used Do not, under any circumstances, change jersey numbers on the roster! – If a member of the crew thinks about changing a jersey, don’t let them
Do not, under any circumstances, change jersey numbers on the roster!
Check in Process What is required when checking in the teams? The 3 items that must match: Name Jersey Number Photo
Check in Process As a crew check the teams in. – One person should read the number and have the player reply with their full name. It needs to match the roster, if not, make sure they aren’t using a nickname or middle name – A second person should be looking at the photos on the virtual cards to match the face of the player – The third person should be checking the uniform for any issues
Marking the Game Card There are only 3 items that can be marked in the roster section of the game card – Check Mark – – Referee Initials All marks should only be made in column with the check mark at the top No other marks are permitted Do Not change numbers!
Marking the Game Card Check Mark – Used to indicate the player is at the game – Used to indicate a player will not be at the game Referee Initials – This indicates that a player or coach sat out the game – It is indicated on the roster with a red line through the coach or player’s name The coach cannot be present at the game A player can attend the game and sit on the bench, but not be in uniform; the player does not have to be present If the team in not sure if a player will be at the game or not, leave the space blank No other marks are necessary If there are any issues, or a player shows up late, send them to the office
Club Passes Under certain circumstances, players on a different team within a club and play with a different team – These will be marked in Orange (we don’t care) – They will be treated exactly the same as any other player, they need to have a virtual card and get checked in
Uniforms This is one of the top leagues in the country, the goal is to present a high level, consistent output in all that we do – Referees need to look sharp – We have standards for the teams, we need to apply these consistently to all teams
Uniforms Home team should wear predominantly white, visitors predominantly darker colors Under-Armour type items need to match the main color of the uniform if they are visible – Long sleeves need to match – Sliders need to match – Any material on the exterior of the socks must match the color it is over, look during check in and let them know not to add anything(white crew socks outside of colored socks is not acceptable) – Medical devices, ankle braces, elbow pads do not have to match the color
Uniforms Teams may still have uniforms on order For the first 3 weekends, the uniforms don’t need to be identical, red t-shirt with number matches a red jersey Once we are in September, all uniforms must match If an issue, send to the office to see the BMOD Reminder: all uniforms, keeper included, must have a permanently affixed number
During the Game Send offs will happen, we just need to do it correctly Correct procedure for dismissing a coach – Ask, Tell, Remove Correct procedure for dismissing a parent – Inform coach and/or manager on the bench We do not have authority to remove a spectator When do you restart? – Only after the player has left the area of the field Whose responsibility is it to wait? – The entire referee crew
During the Game What happens if a spectator won’t leave – Inform the coach he will be dismissed also Make sure to add time lost waiting for any dismissed to leave Allowance for time lost Allowance is made in either period for all time lost through: – Substitutions – assessment of injury to players – removal of injured players from the field of play for treatment – wasting time – any other cause – The allowance for time lost is at the discretion of the referee
After the Game We must get the paperwork correct; too many issues last year due to careless errors – Mainly involving the wrong player having to sit out The entire crew should verify the form while filling it out Mandatory items: – Score – in 2 places for each team, top and bottom – Cards – use the correct codes for USB, needed for A&D – Names – legibly write the crew names, no Sharpie markers, fine tip acceptable
After the Game Once all 3 members of the crew approve of the form, have it signed by each coach or manager Once signed it is an official document, do not make any other changes Referees turn in the paperwork to the referee coordinator or BMOD
After the Game For all Dismissals, paperwork must be turned in by the crew before anyone leaves – It is expected that the paperwork be filled out by the referee and reviewed by both AR’s. All 3 signatures should be on the form Be considerate of others, get paperwork completed quickly – This benefits referee who have other commitments – Referee coordinators and BMOD’s put in hour days, let’s not keep them waiting on paperwork, finish paperwork before changing clothes