Department of Education and Training Non-School Based Education Teaching Service Staff Working Hours
Flexible Working Agreement Non-School Based Education Teaching Service - these are teachers who are seconded from a teaching position or who are deployed in an administrative position and who work administrative hours and conditions. The provisions of the DET Flexible Working Hours Agreement, with the exception of Clause 9, Overtime, shall apply to such staff. oratesaz/ires/indrel/flexagreement/fwha16nov01.pdf oratesaz/ires/indrel/flexagreement/fwha16nov01.pdf Staff are advised to read this agreement before continuing with the PowerPoint Presentation.
Overview Flexible working hours, as provided for in the Agreement, are subject to operational requirements as determined by the Institute Director, Regional Director or relevant State Office Manager. Flexible work practices allow for flexibility in dealing with workloads, deadlines and achieving a balance between work and family life. Employees need to be mindful of maintaining customer service, while supervisors need to ensure equitable access to the Agreement provisions.
Three elements to managing time worked Flexible working hours Excess Hours and Compensatory Leave Excess Travel Time
Flexible Working Hours Requires completion of the Department’s electronic flex sheet which is to be submitted monthly. The flex period spans 12 weeks ie there are 3 sheets to the spreadsheet. Contract hours are 420 hours for employees working 35 hour week. Flextime Bandwidth is 7.30am to 6.00pm. Core Time is 9.30 to and 2.30 to A minimum of 30 minutes lunch break must be taken between 11.30am and 2.30pm. A maximum 3 hour break may be taken with the approval of your supervisor. Employees can carry forward up to 10 hours credit or debit.
Flexible Working Hours (Ctd) Up to 6 flex days can be accrued and taken within the settlement period. An application is not required for flex leave however there should be a verbal approval from the supervisor if time does not allow for it to be entered on your initial itinerary. Your final approved itinerary should reflect this flex time taken. If flex days are not taken they can be banked at end of settlement period - in whole or half days only. The number of days which can be banked is reduced for each flex day taken no matter how many hours you have accumulated. ie if you take 2 flex days you may only bank 4 days. Banked Time does require approval – see “Banked Time/Compensatory Leave/ETT Application”.
Flexible Working Hours (in short) Officers should work 420 hours per 12 week period. Flextime may be up to 10 hours in either credit or debit. Officers may accumulate additional hours up to a total of 52 hours which may be carried over as 6 banked days and 10 hours accrued work time. Any hours after 52 are lost. Supervisors will work with staff to manage time worked to avoid the forfeiture of hours. Supervisors are to check that all other types of leave ie sick and recreation leave, which have been taken, have actually been submitted and approved on the e-LAPS system. The e-LAPS reference number is to be recorded on the flexsheet. Flexsheets must be promptly checked and held on file by the relevant supervisor.
Excess Hours and Compensatory Leave An officer who, at the direction of their supervisor or with the approval of their supervisor, works excess hours may accrue compensatory leave for the additional time worked. (Determination No. 39 of 1982 dealing with "Excess Hours and Compensatory Leave“) s/directoratesaz/ires/indrel/flexagreement/d39_1982.pdf s/directoratesaz/ires/indrel/flexagreement/d39_1982.pdf This time is time worked outside the flextime bandwidth. Compensatory leave does not apply to officers above SEO2 level.
Excess Travel Time (ETT) An officer who at the direction of their supervisor or with the approval of their supervisor is required to travel outside the flexi- time bandwidth may accrue Excess Travel Time (ETT). (Determination No. 32 of 1982 dealing with “Traveling Compensation“) ETT cannot be claimed for the period between 11:00pm and 7:30am where accommodation was offered. ETT cannot be claimed for periods of less than 15 minutes. ETT does not apply to officers above SEO1 level. The normal time taken to drive to and from your base from home is to be deducted from your claim for ETT.
Accruing Compensatory Leave and ETT. Accrual of compensatory leave and ETT is generally approved in advance using the standard itinerary: Anticipated compensatory leave and ETT should be recorded on the itinerary in “C Time” column. Details of the days activities should be recorded in the “Activity” column. Supervisors will work with staff to manage time worked to avoid the forfeiture of hours.
Taking Flex, Comp Leave and ETT Use of accrued leave should be negotiated with supervisors to ensure customer service is not compromised. Compensatory leave and ETT must be used within 2 months however the expectation is that it be taken during the next school holidays. All compensatory leave and ETT accrued must be taken prior to the end of secondment or deployment.
Electronic Flexsheet Everybody is to be on the same flexsheet. Flexsheet to be downloaded from: anet/lists/directoratesaz/ires/indrel/flexagreement/efle xsheet.xls All employees have a common twelve week settlement period which commenced on Monday 12/6/06. At the end of each page (ie monthly) print the sheet, sign it and post it to your supervisor.
Flexsheet features The Flexsheet calculates: all dates for the flexsheet once the first date of the flex sheet is entered daily hours worked cumulative hours worked flex hours balance each day compared to contract hours balance of hours worked against contract hours at conclusion of settlement period balance of banked time carried forward.
Flexsheet features The information required to be recorded on the Flexsheet includes: names and unit/directorate of employees start, finish and lunch times flex and banked time taken leave taken, including concessional and study leave as well as public holidays approved compensatory leave and ETT which has been taken.
How to get started On “Sheet 1 of 3”, enter the information required in the pink cells: start date of the period (eg: 28/1/02) name and unit/directorate accrued time and banked time approved weekly study time if applicable Dates, names etc will automatically update for months 2 and 3 sheets.
How to get started
Next you need to enter your start, lunch and finish times. The sheet recognises 24 hour time only. For example, for two thirty you must enter 14:30. A reminder note will ensure that you enter times in accordance with the Agreement.
The Reconciliation You need to complete the entries in pink at the end of the 12 week settlement period.
Recording and Taking Compensatory Leave & Excess Travel Time A “Compensatory Leave/ETT Calculation Sheet” has been designed, as per audit instruction, to record and keep balances. (attached to this ) Approved itineraries are to be attached to the Compensatory Leave/ETT Calculation Sheet. Use the application form for “Banked Time/Compensatory Leave/ETT” to apply for these types of leave. Forward to your supervisor for approval. (attached to this )
Further Information Information about the Agreement is available at: ires/indrel/flexagreement/index.htm