Mount Vernon Town Meeting Presentation FAIRFAX COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS February 3, 2007
2 Mission Fairfax County Public Schools, a world-class school system, inspires, enables and empowers students to meet high academic standards, lead ethical lives, and demonstrate responsible citizenship. Goals Academics Essential Life Skills Responsibility to the Community
3 Aligning Resources The FY 2008 Proposed Budget encompasses FCPS’ beliefs Cost-Saving Initiatives—$28.9 million –Baselines kept at FY 2007 levels –Carryover held for FY 2008 beginning balance –Additional funding added to beginning balance No new programs
4 FCPS: An Overview $2.2 billion operating budget 4.3% increase over the FY 2007 Budget 198 schools and centers 164,490 students 13 th largest school system in the country 22,199 full-time equivalent positions One of the largest employers in Virginia
5 Trends in Membership Growth FY 2003 to FY 2008
6 Trends in Membership Growth FY 1998 to 2008
7 County Transfer Proposed budget includes a transfer increase of 4.6% plus $8.0 million for a total of 5.1% * Does not include $8.0 million in one-time funding.
8 Revenue by Source
9 Expenditures by Category
10 Accountability
11 AP Number of Tests Taken and Scores of 3 or Higher Black Students to 2006
12 AP Number of Tests Taken and Scores of 3 or Higher Hispanic Students to 2006
13 AP Number of Tests Taken and Scores of 3 or Higher Total Students to 2006
14 IB Test Results Number of tests has increased 27 percent The average score has risen 10 percent from 4.45 in to almost 5 in
15 SOL Reading Grade point increase New Test
16 SOL Mathematics Grade point increase New Test
17 SOL History Grade point increase
18 SOL Writing Grade point increase New Test
19 SOL End-Of-Course United States History + 4 point increase
20 FCPS Initiatives Full Day Kindergarten Foreign Language in the Elementary School (FLES) Targeted Student Needs –GT, Autism, Pre-School, Academics Competitive Salary and Benefits
21 Capital Improvement Program School Year Countywide Enrollment/Capacity Comparison Level Deficit / Surplus Elementary classrooms Middle 2,710 student spaces High 4,940 student spaces
22 Capital Improvement Program Cluster IV Projects with Approved Bonds (Funded) BRAC planning- Planning Mt. Vernon Woods E.S.- 8 classroom modular addition Waynewood E.S.- 8 classroom modular addition Projects without Approved Bonds (Unfunded) Hybla Valley E.S.- 18 classroom modular addition Sandburg M.S.- Renovation (planning funded)
23 Capital Improvement Program Cluster V Projects with Approved Bonds (Funded) Edison H.S. - Renovation Key M.S. - Renovation Mount Eagle E.S. - Renovation Projects without Approved Bonds (Unfunded) “ Laurel Hill” E.S classroom school (planning funded) Rose Hill E.S classroom modular addition Franconia E.S. - Renovation (planning funded)
24 Proposed CIP Projects Including FY prior and subsequent years expenses ($ in Millions) New Construction$350.8 Renovations $1,253.0 Special Education & Other Centers $25.0 Infrastructure$325.9 Administrative Center Renovations $19.6 Total Project Cost $1,974.3 Unfunded Portion $1,300.4
25 Future of TJHSST Task Force with Two Subcommittees –Instructional Issues –Facility Options
Mount Vernon Town Meeting Presentation FAIRFAX COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS February 3, 2007