Cell Structure and Function Donald Winslow, St. Gregory’s University 25 January 2011 Readings: Mader, Sylvia 2011 Inquiry into Life, 13th ed. McGraw-Hill, NY Ch. 3; pp 47-52, 54-61, 63 Ch. 4; pp 68-69, 71-78 (on membranes)
Objectives List organelles found in most cells. Describe structure & function of these organelles. Give examples of cells where particular types of organelles are abundant. Describe structure & function of cell membranes. Contrast cell membranes & cell walls. Explain membrane transport processes.
Organelles in an endothelial cell
Nucleus Envelope (2 membranes) Functions in DNA replication & RNA synthesis Most eukaryotic cells have one nucleus. Syncytial eukaryotic cells have multiple nuclei. Prokaryotic cells do not have nuclei.
Mitochondria & chloroplasts Inner membrane & outer membrane Function in cellular respiration Especially abundant in muscle cells Chloroplasts Function in photosynthesis Especially abundant in leaf cells
Endoplasmic reticulum One membrane surrounding lumen Lipid bilayer synthesis, transport to membranes Rough endoplasmic reticulum (with ribosomes) Proteins imported into ER as they are made Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Ribosomes No membranes 2 subunits composed of protein & RNA Protein synthesis from info in messenger RNA Especially abundant in cells that secrete proteins
Lysosomes & peroxisomes One membrane Intracellular digestion Peroxisomes Oxidation of toxins by peroxide Especially abundant in protective tissues
Golgi apparatus Stack of membrane-bound “pancakes” Staging area for ER products
Vesicular transport Transport vesicle
Cell membrane