鐘點戰 _ In Time The Value of One Day ( 遠東職校 B3 L1).


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Presentation transcript:

鐘點戰 _ In Time The Value of One Day ( 遠東職校 B3 L1)

教材架構 1.Explaining the reason why I choose “In Time”, and let the students know the importance of putting time to good use. 2.Introducing the plot and characters of the movie. 3.Through some lines from the film to enhance vocabulary and grammar. 4.Choosing some lines from the film to let students do role play and let them practice some simple conversation.

Warm up Period 1 1.Warm up by showing some conversion from time to currency. 1.What would you do if “time” had replaced the world currency systems? 2.What would you do if “time” could be converted into money? 3.What would you do if you only had 24 hours to live? 5 minutes PPT and pictures

Vocabulary and grammar Period 2 1. Appreciating the film 2. Explain the meaning of the film and vocabulary of lines f the film 1.Explain some simple grammar of lines from the film 30 minutes DVD player and PPT

To encourage students to do role play and exercise the usage of vocabulary and grammar and conversation also Period 3 1. Using lines that were taught to do role play. lf l had all that time, I sure as hell wouldn't waste it.. I don't have time to worry about how it happened.. Time is now the currency, we earn it and spend it.. l just want to wake up with more time on my hand than hours in the day. 15minut es PPT and blackboard

If “time” had replaced the world currency systems… If “time” could be converted into money… If you only had 24 hours to live… What would you do?

If Time Were money… 24 hours= $86,400 … You can’t carry over balance from day to day. You can’t draw in advance. You must live in the present on today’s deposits so you should make the most of today.

. lf l had all that time, I sure as hell wouldn't waste it.. I don't have time to worry about how it happened.. Time is now the currency, we earn it and spend it.. l just want to wake up with more time on my hand than hours in the day.

1. credit (v.) 存入 ( 銀行帳戶 ) (n.) 借、貸款、賒帳、信用 Each month, George credits two thousand dollars to his daughter’s account for her pocket money. 每個月 George 在她女兒的戶頭存入兩千元給她當零用錢 I am planning to but a new computer on credit. 我打算以賒帳方式買台新電腦 2. deposit (v.) (n.) 存款 I need to go to the bank and deposit some money in my account. 我需要去銀行把一些錢存入我的帳戶 3. currency (n.) 貨幣 The Japanese yen is one of the stronger currencies in the world. 日元是世界上較穩定的貨幣之一。

If 假設語氣 ( 與現在事實相反的假設 ) If + S + 一般動詞 ( 過去式 )..., S + would + 原形動詞 If Joe had a girl friend, he would marry her at once. 假如 Joe 有女朋友的話,他會馬上跟她結婚 ( 事實上 Joe 現在根本沒有女朋友 ) If + S + BeV( 過去式 )..., S + would + 原形動詞 ※假設語氣句型中的 Be 動詞過去式一律只能使用 were If I were a bird, I would fly to the sky. 假如我是一隻鳥,我就能飛上天空