DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release Department of Navy (DON) Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Mr. Bob Smith Director, DON SBIR/STTR Taking a Solid Program and Making It Better
Primary Program Goals: Use small business to develop innovative R&D that addresses DON need Commercialize (Phase III) SBIR-developed technology into a DON platform or weapons/communication system, or for facilities use in expeditionary bases in new “pivot” locales in Africa and Asia About the Program: Acquisition Driven Process with Strong Technology Pull $300M+ annual funding supporting small business innovation/research Wide range of SBIR/STTR topics driven by PEO/PM/FNC specific needs DON SBIR/STTR We Succeed When You Succeed DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release 2
What Does DON SBIR/STTR Do? We need YOUR Solutions DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release 3
Participating DON SYSCOMs Bob Smith Director, DON SBIR/STTR Dusty Lang DON STTR Program Manager Lee Ann Boyer DON CRP Program Manager Systems Commands (SYSCOM) Program Managers DON Program Staff NSMA John Keiran Program Manager SBIR/STTR/CRP SSP Mark Hrbacek Program Manager SBIR/STTR/CRP NAVFAC Kail Macias Program Manager SBIR/STTR/CRP MARCOR Elizabeth Madden Program Manager SBIR/STTR/CRP NAVSEA Dean Putnam Program Manager SBIR/STTR/CRP SPAWAR John Thom (Acting) Program Manager SBIR/STTR/CRP ONR Lore-Anne Ponirakis Program Manager SBIR NAVAIR Donna Moore Program Manager SBIR NAVSUP Mark Deebel Program Manager SBIR/STTR/CRP DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release 4
DON Program by the Numbers DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release 5 FY10FY11FY12FY13FY14 Total DON SBIR Funding per FY ($M)$342$264$271$231$243 DON SBIR Topics issued that FY Number Of Phase I Proposals Phase I Awards from FY Solicitation Avg. time to award Phase I contracts (months) Navy Phase II Awards during FY Navy Phase III Awards during FY Amount of Direct Navy Phase III Awards ($M) $566$552$725$412$490 DON STTR Funding Per FY ($M)$41$33$36$31$34 DON STTR Topics Per Year DON STTR Phase I Awards in FY DON STTR Phase II Awards in FY
Life of a Topic Phase I Phase II Phase III Second Phase II 170 Topics Proposals 482 Awards 170 Topics 482 Phase I Awards 254 Awards 170 Topics 254 Phase II Awards 137 Awards 200% ROI (SBIR/Non-SBIR) 200% ROI (SBIR/Non-SBIR) DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release 6
SBIR/STTR Program Award Structure DON SYSCOMs tailor as needed DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release Feasibility Study Technology Development and Prototype Demonstration Technology Development and Prototype Demonstration Prototype Testing & Evaluation Technology Demo & Validation Prototype Testing & Evaluation Technology Demo & Validation NOTE: A ‘Subsequent Phase II’ is a Requirements Driven process; i.e., based upon Acquisition program needs. TTP: Technology Transition Plan TTA: Technology Transition Agreement Commercialization Transition Commercialization Transition Phase III – can occur anytime after Phase I and is funded with non-SBIR/STTR $ NTE $3,150,000 Total SBIR/STTR Funding 7
8 Participating Companies Have Higher Commercialization Rate Participated in Program Did NOT Participate in Program
9 SBIR/STTR Transition Program (STP) Answers Small Business Questions Can Answer Does your sponsor have funds to purchase your technology? -Program Element (PE) Lines -POM/PR & FYDP Funding Does your sponsor have funds to purchase your technology? -Program Element (PE) Lines -POM/PR & FYDP Funding When does the sponsor need the technology? -Technology Roadmaps -Acquisition Life Cycle When does the sponsor need the technology? -Technology Roadmaps -Acquisition Life Cycle Who is the target transition sponsor? -Program of Record (PoR) -Program Office -Prime Contractor Who is the target transition sponsor? -Program of Record (PoR) -Program Office -Prime Contractor Who is the lead system integrator for your technology transition? Who is the lead system integrator for your technology transition? What is the TRL of your technology? What is the TRL of your technology? Will your technology meet the sponsors requirements? Who is your competition? What is the cost of your technology? How do I work with Industry?
Navy SBIR Support Team PMs/PEOs TWHs TPOCs The Primes/OEMs Fleet & Force Resource Sponsors Small Business Project Team Goal: Agreed upon & timely tech development, transition and insertion plans Technology Transition Ecosystem
Investment Targets Initial Product/ Process Capability Product/ProcessDevelopment Product/Process Product/ProcessInsertionProduct/Process Improvement & Sustainment Operations & Support DTRA and DARPA Programs ManTech Discovery and Invention Joint Concept Technology Demonstrations TRL 1TRL 3TRL 4TRL 5TRL 6TRL 7TRL 8TRL 9 Technology Development Engineering & Manufacturing Development Production & Deployment SBIR / STTR Phase I and II INP/Swamp Works Rapid Innovation Fund SBIR Phase II.5 Future Naval Capabilities TRL 2 Materiel Solution Analysis Joint Insensitive Munitions Technology Program NISE Basic & Applied Research NISE Transition OSD Managed Navy Funded and Managed BA1BA2BA3BA4BA7 B C A BA5 RDT& E Technology Insertion Program for Savings Tech Solutions QRSP/Quick Reaction Fund/Rapid Reaction Fund Foreign Comparative Testing
STP: - Primes partnering process - Customized DON acquisition information packages for Tier 1-2 firms Publications and tutorials to provide guidance on developing a SBIR/STTR engagement model: - Best Technology Transition Practices (May 2008) - Defense Contractors SBIR/STTR Partnering Manual (August 2008) - Rapidly Changing DON Acquisition Landscape for Large Business (May 2012) - DON SBIR/STTR Incentives and Requirements Handbook (November 2012) PEO SBIR/STTR project transition management Guidance, selective participation in collaborations: - Industry-led SBIR Consortium (ISCo) - Joint Air Force/DON/Army Transition Workshops 12 “Primes Initiative” to Motivate Industry
Questions 13 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release