Federal Force Account Utilizing Sponsor Resources Georgia Airports Association – Spring Workshop March 13, 2014 Presented By Katie Eleam Aviation Project Manager, Aviation Programs
Work completed by sponsor’s employees Planning, engineering, construction Can also be performed by another public agency with sponsor agreement What is Force Account?
Advantages of Federal Force Account Lower cost than contract construction Allows sponsors to utilize in-kind resources
Potential Disadvantages Depending on sponsor workload, may delay project Extensive record keeping required of sponsor
Why Federal Force Account? Weak economy Need to get creative to fund projects Sponsors have qualified personnel that can complete projects more efficiently
Case Studies Fulton County – Signage Installation Rome – Runway Safety Area Improvements and Obstruction Removal Ellijay – Runway Safety Area Improvements and Obstruction Removal
What Projects are Eligible? Eligible Sponsor AIP Eligible Project On the Airport Layout Plan Included in the Capital Improvement Program Has an application Routine airport maintenance projects are not eligible (i.e. mowing)
Notes to Keep in Mind Prior GDOT approval is required Qualified personnel must be used Appropriate NEPA document must be completed No deviation from AIP standards for construction (AC 150/ ) allowed Must meet federal construction standards -Procurement of materials -Inspection and Testing -Construction reporting -Plans and Specifications
How to Apply - Sponsor’s Proposal Preferred method under the AIP is through qualification based selection or competitive bidding Sponsor’s proposal must: -Be submitted before work initiated -Provide sufficient justification -Include detailed cost estimates, resource information, and plans and specs
Sponsor’s Proposal - Justification Benefits to the sponsor and the Federal Government must clearly be shown Key Phrases that should be included: -Willing & Able -Cost Savings -Qualified Personnel and Equipment -Acknowledge and Comply with all federal requirements
Wage Rates Estimated work hours Non-Salary Expenses Indirect Costs Comparison of costs between sponsor and contract construction -Must show that force account construction is more cost effective Sponsor’s Proposal – Detailed Cost Estimates
Project ListMaterialLaborEquipment Est.ItemMaterialExtended Item NoItem DescriptionQtyUnitUnit PriceItem CostOperRateHoursExtendedEquipRateHoursExtended 1CONSTRUCTION EXIT1.0EACH$2,000 1$182$36Dozer$802$160 1$122$24Tandem$602$120 2TYPE C SILT FENCE LF$40$1,0402$1520$600Trencher$520$100 3CUT44,756.0CU. YD. 1$18470$8,460Dozer$80470$37,600 44,756/12 = 3730 Loads 1$18470$8,460Excavator$115470$54, /80 Loads per day = 47 days 3$12470$16,920Tandem$60470$84,600 4FILL12,963.0CU. YD. 1$18140$2,520Dozer$80140$11,200 12,963/12 = 1080 Loads 1$18140$2,520Excavator$115140$16, /80 Loads per day = 14 days 3$12140$5,040Tandem$60140$25,200 1$15140$2,100Compactor$25140$3,500 5STORM DRAIN PIPE, 18 IN, H LIN. FT.$18$2,3042$18160$5,760Gradall$40160$6,400 FES, 18 IN, STORM DRAIN1.0EACH$600 2$12160$3,8406 Yard$35160$11,200 STORM DRAIN PIPE, 24 IN, H LIN. FT.$20$9,240 FES, 24 IN, STORM DRAIN1.0EACH$700 STORM DRAIN PIPE, 30 IN, H LIN. FT.$24$2,400 FES, 30 IN, STORM DRAIN1.0EACH$800 JUNCTION BOX4.0EACH$2,000$8,000 6STN DUMPED RIP RAP, TP 3, 12 IN120.0CU. YD.$5$5402$1210$2406 Yard$3510$700 7PERMANENT GRASSING13.5ACRE$500$6,7501$1520$300Hyrdoseeder$6020$1,200 8EROSION CONTROL MATS, SLOPES3,333.0SQ. YD.$1$3,3331$1520$300 9TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN GRASSING2ACRE$500$1,0001$1880$1,440Gradall$4080$3,200 18" PIPE60.0LIN. FT.$18$1,0801$1880$1,440Mini Exc$6580$5,200 2$1280$1,9206 yard$3580$5,600 1$1510$150Hydroseeder$6010$600 Subtotals$39,787$61,920$260,530 Project Totals$362,237 Example Detailed Cost Estimate – Rome RSA Project
Sponsor’s Proposal – Resources Labor – qualified for the work specified and capable Material – proper procurement Equipment -Compare rates to United States Army Corps of Engineers “Construction Equipment Ownership and Operating Expense Schedule” Financing Workload Schedule
Procurement Methods - Materials Competitive Sealed Bids Competitive Proposal Small Purchase -Under $100,000 -Price quotes obtained from adequate number of qualified sources Noncompetitive Proposals -Single Source -Emergency -Competition inadequate
Shows the nature and extent of the work Makes sense for the project Does not have to be a full, complete set -Erosion Control -Construction Safety and Phasing Plan (7460 submittal) Sponsor’s Proposal – Plans and Specifications
Proposal Acceptance Requirements met Proposal submitted to GDOT Reviewed by Project Manager Proposal and project accepted
What’s Next Important to maintain detailed records -Timesheets signed off by supervisor -Direct Costs Construction Administration -Pre-Construction Meeting -Monthly pay requests -Final Inspection AIP Required Deliverables (if design) -Engineer’s Report -Construction Safety and Phasing Plan
What to Remember Prior GDOT approval is required Qualified personnel must be used Cost Savings Appropriate NEPA document must be completed No deviation from AIP standards for construction (AC 150/ ) allowed Accurate record keeping Consultants are a great asset and can assist in all phases of the project
Resources ations/orders/media/aip_5100_38c.pdf ations/orders/media/aip_5100_38c.pdf sor_guide/media/1400.pdf sor_guide/media/1400.pdf /general/ /general/