A Virtual Tour: Warren D. Allen Music Library Sara Nodine Warren D. Allen Music Library
The Circulation Desk How can I help you today?
Technology Centers Should I start my research or check Facebook?
Research & Reference Collections When was Beethoven born? Hmmm…. I could use Grove Dictionary to find out!
M, ML, and MT Collections -M- Scores -ML- Music Literature -MT- Music Theory
Special Collections
Library Displays
The Research Process Select a topic: What am I interested in knowing more about? Find resources: Let’s see what the library has on this topic. Gathering facts: Dig, dig, dig to find the juicy details. Write the paper: What does all this information I have found say about my original question? Edit and format: I should check to make sure my bibliography is formatted correctly and reread my paper. DONE!!
Using the Library Website Library Information At home? News and Announcements Search the catalog Online Resources
Searching the Catalog Title and Author Search Select a Library Specify Format
Limit your search further Basic Bibliographic Record Library and Collection Call # On the Shelf?
or text this resource to yourself Citation It’ s still available!!
Placing Hold Requests “Place a Hold” Enter Lib # from FSUID card
Uborrow (state of Florida) #1 #2 #3
Interlibrary Loan (outside the state) ILLiad Various types of requests
Basic reference resources you need to know about… Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians ML100.N and online A manual for writers of research papers, theses, and dissertations : Chicago style for students and researchers / Kate Turabian LB2369.T The Chicago manual of style (16 th edition) Z253.U There are SO many more!!!
A few streaming media you need to know about…. Naxos Naxos Video Library Classical Music Library American Song Smithsonian Global Sound All available through
AML Special Events!
Finally…you have friendly library staff on your side!! Call us, send an , or just drop by! We are happy to help you!
Questions? Created by: Sara Nodine 2014 Warren D. Allen Music Library Licensed by: Creative CommonsCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International