Coastal Workforce Investment Board Meeting December 14, 2012
Welcome and Introductions CWIB Chair – Mark Corrigan CWIB Vice-Chair - Reg Hendricks CWIB Executive Committee –David Atkins –Markisha Butler –Stephanie Cutter –Peter Doliber –Tara Jennings –Michael King –Joel Martin –William Miller –Lewis Persons
GDOL Report Year-To-Date November 30, 2012 One –Stop Career Center Individuals Registered this PY # of Job Orders UI Claims Entered Employment rate Performance level Employment Retention Performance level Average Earnings Performance level Brunswick 4, , %E78.8%E$10,589M Hinesville 2,302951, %E74.8%E$10,807M Kings Bay 1, %E75.4%E$11,035M Savannah 7, , %E79.0%E$11,412M Statesboro 3, , %E76.2%E$10,500M Total 18,3292,05114, %E77.9%E$11,086M
WIA/Individual Training Account Customer Activity November 30, 2012 One-Stop Career Center Customers Actively Enrolled in Training Customers Enrolled in Job Search Services Customers in Follow-Up Services Total Services Caseload Brunswick Hinesville Kings Bay Savannah Statesboro Totals
FINANCIAL INFORMATION Through October 31, 2012
PY12 Adult Funding Stream
PY12 Dislocated Worker Funding Stream
Individual Training Account Balances by Month
PY12 Adult ITAs - $1,313,915 as of 12/13/12
PY12 Dislocated Worker ITAs $616,611 as of 12/13/12
PY12 Youth Funding Stream
PY 2012 Year Round Youth Service Provider Update thru 10/25/12 Contract Start Date: May 1, 2012 ContractorPY12 Formula Contracte d Number to Serve Required # of New enrollees Carryover for PY11 Follow-upNew Enrollees to date Number Served to Date Paxen Camden, Glynn & Mcintosh $299, Paxen Chatham $268, Savannah Impact Chatham $179, Telamon Bryan, Libetry & Long $253, Telamon Bulloch & Effingham $261,
Funding Summary October-12Funding Summary FundingPYGrant AwardExpendedBalance Obligations* & EncumbrancesProjected Balance Projected % Obligated & Expended Adult PY12 Grants 1,330, ,077 1,203,873 1,281,965 97,12893% PY11 Grants 1,144,636 1,056,219 88,417 (0)100% Total Adult 2,475,586 1,183,296 1,292,290 1,370,383 97,12896% DW PY12 Grants 1,394, , ,52750% PY11 Grants 1,336,858 1,187, ,588 (0)100% Total DW 2,731,009 1,187,270 1,543, , ,52774% YouthPY12 1,513, ,756 1,091, , ,27288% PY11 1,317, % Total Youth 2,830,853 1,739,826 1,091, , ,27294%
CWS Overhead Expenditures PY12 Through October 2012 CategoryBudgetExpended% Expended Employee$617,914$172,51728% Business$189,410$52,76428% Building$17,250$4,58327% Common Charges$100,257$33,41933% Travel/Training$29,500$5,91720% Communications$10,447$2,72026% Total$964,778$271,92028%
Economic and Workforce Alignment Goal: Align services and resources toward targeted industries within the region –Chair – David Atkins –Staff Liaisons – Sheron Morgan, Marsha Carter Highlights –Did not meet –Next meeting – January 8, 2013
Outreach Committee Goal: Increase visibility of the Board and its work by providing resources used to collaborate, network, and build partnerships –Chair – Michael King –Staff Liaison – Janet Jones Highlights –Met October 26 –Pull up banners –Next Meeting February 15, 2013
Partnership Building Goal: Establish and strengthen partnerships to maximize program impact –Chair – Joel Martin –Staff Liaison – Janet Jones Highlights –Met November 13 –Effingham One-Stop Update –Presentations at GDOL Employer Committee Mtgs –Retreat –Next Meeting, January 8, 2013
Youth Council Goal: Increase services and supports in coordinated effort to ensure eligible youth in the Coastal region are educated and employable. –Chair – William Miller –Staff Liaison – Marsha Carter Highlights –Met December 7 –Discussed Youth service provider selection –Next Meeting January 11
Executive Committee Chair – Mark Corrigan Staff Liaisons – Cindy Landolt, Elizabeth Cambridge, Del Turner Highlights –Met October 31 to vote on time sensitive issues due to lack of quorum at October 26 Board Meeting –Approved the October 26 CWIB Consent Agenda on behalf of the Board –Approved all recommendations from EWA Committee on behalf the Board –Met on December 14 –Recommend approval of Financial Reports for September & October 2012 –Next Meeting January 24, 2013
CONSENT AGENDA CWIB Meeting December 14, 2012
Consent Agenda Minutes – October 26, 2012 Meeting Financial Reports for September & October 2012
NEW BUSINESS DISCUSSION Youth Service Provider Selection
Public Comments & Board Discussion
Reminders Please complete your survey Please make sure you are active in your chosen committee and attend the meetings – everyone should be a member of at least one committee Drawing for door prize