John F. Helmer Executive Director Asaf Kline Senior Product Manager Orbis Cascade Alliance and ExLibris: Unlocking Opportunities for Collaboration Lynn Chmelir Shared ILS Implementation Manager
Welcome to the home of
John o The Alliance o Vision o Strategic Agenda o Why do this? o Three at once! Outline Outline Asaf o Collaborative Networks o Cataloging o Resource Sharing o Fulfillment Lynn o Organization o Timeline o Communication o Progress o What’s next?
37 Members Private & Public Colleges, Universities, Community Colleges in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho Serving 280 colleges, universities, archives, museums in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Alaska, Hawaii, and Utah Non-profit corporation, 8 staff, no central funding, 20 years in Sept ‘13 Orbis Cascade Alliance Orbis Cascade Alliance Central Oregon Comm. College Central Washington University Chemeketa Community College Clark College Concordia University Eastern Oregon University Eastern Washington University George Fox University Lane Community College Lewis & Clark College Linfield College Mt. Hood Community College Oregon State University Oregon Health & Science Univ. Oregon Institute of Technology Oregon State University Pacific University Portland Community College Portland State University Reed College Saint Martin’s University Seattle Pacific University Seattle University Southern Oregon University The Evergreen State College University of Idaho University of Oregon University of Portland University of Puget Sound University of Washington Walla Walla College Warner Pacific College Washington State University Western Oregon University Western Washington University Whitman College Willamette University
Academic Broad set of core services Themes of the Strategic Agenda – Depth of collaboration – Single collection – Shared human resources – Shared services – Multi-institutional entity – Exploiting web-scale opportunities “Collaborate to Customize” Vision Vision
Strategic Agenda 1.Cooperative Collection Development 2.Future of Integrated Library Systems 3.Collaborative Technical Services 4.Digital Initiatives 5.Discovery
“Future of the ILS” Competitive bid process TCO, RFI, RFP Decision Migrate 37 members to Ex Libris Alma and Primo Direct. Along the way, replacing Integrated Library Systems Discovery systems Link resolvers/knowledgebases Standalone proxy servers Electronic Resource Management systems Local servers … going to the cloud
Why are we doing this? Why are we doing this? Not an end in itself … because of the past … because of the future
The past … Legacy systems Based on limited bandwidth, storage, lack of standards Lagging functionality Hard to Innovate Integrate Extract data Total cost of ownership: maintenance, servers, discovery, ERM, open URL resolvers, etc. Why are we doing this? Why are we doing this?
The future … Better services for students, faculty, staff Improved resource sharing … a better Summit Improved staff tools New opportunities, enabling Collaborative Technical Services Vision of “one collection” New options Alma, Intota, Sierra, WMS, etc. Why are we doing this? Why are we doing this?
Legacy Next generation 37 1 Acting as 1 Collections Staff Services Three big projects at once! Three big projects at once!
How Do We Get There? How Do We Get There?
Shared ILS Project Organization Shared ILS Project Organization
Timeline Timeline Sept 2012Project manager begins Appointments to Working Groups made Contract with Ex Libris signed Oct-Dec 2012Shared ILS Team begins work Cohorts finalized Pre-Implementation planning with Ex Libris begins Jan-June 2013Kick Off Meeting Data migration System configuration Training June 2013Cohort 1 goes live! Dec 2013Cohort 2 goes live! June 2014Cohort 3 goes live! Dec 2014Cohort 4 goes live!
Communication … Members Communication … Members
Communication … ITeam Communication … ITeam Lists Google Docs Shared ILS Docs GoToMeeting—biweekly In person meetings
Communication … Ex Libris Communication … Ex Libris Joint list WebEx meetings –scheduled weekly Kick-off meeting
Progress to date Progress to date Extracted sample data for Ex Libris analysis Turned in Cohort 1 Alma Customer Information Forms Developing a basic understanding of system architecture and functionality Deciding on how to build the Network Zone Deciding to migrate acquisitions and ERM data Turned in Alma migration forms Cohort 1 data extraction
Training – Web – In-person functional workshops Review Alma configuration Work on Primo! What’s next? What’s next?
What don’t we know yet? What don’t we know yet? System management o Centralized o Decentralized o Hybrid Team Details of network level circulation
John F. Helmer Executive Director Asaf Kline Senior Product Manager Orbis Cascade Alliance and ExLibris: Unlocking Opportunities for Collaboration Lynn Chmelir Shared ILS Implementation Manager