Moving Images Chapter 8. The First Moving Image Leland Stanford made a bet that all 4 of a horse’s hooves come off the ground as it runs Muybridge set.


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Presentation transcript:

Moving Images Chapter 8

The First Moving Image Leland Stanford made a bet that all 4 of a horse’s hooves come off the ground as it runs Muybridge set up a line of cameras on a horse track Each camera was triggered by a string as the horse ran by Muybridge later found a way to quickly project the images to create a movie There are also experiments by Edison in moving images

Copyright ©2011, ©2009 Pearson Prentice Hall Inc. Eadweard Muybridge. The Horse in Motion

Film and Visual Expression All films create 3 types of motion –Movement of the objects in the shot –Movement of the camera –Movement created by the sequence of shots Time and sequence are important parts of filmmaking

Creating a New Language of Vision Film began as though they were theatrical performances –Sound was not added until 30 years after film began to be made D.W. Griffith started to move the camera and edit the film –Griffith created the phenomena of parallel editing- showing what’s happening in two places at one time. –Griffith’s camera operator accidentally closed the shutter too slow once, creating the fade to black –Griffith was also the first to include both close up and long shots

Copyright ©2011, ©2009 Pearson Prentice Hall Inc. D. W. Griffith. Intolerance (The Modern Story)

Creating a New Language of Vision Eisenstecein –The first to produce epic films of high quality –Created the use of montage-stitching together many short brief shots to create new relationships, build emotion, and show passage of time

Copyright ©2011, ©2009 Pearson Prentice Hall Inc. Sergei Eisenstein. The Battleship Potemkin. From Odessa Steps sequence, selected frame

Copyright ©2011, ©2009 Pearson Prentice Hall Inc. Sergei Eisenstein. The Battleship Potemkin. From Odessa Steps sequence, selected frame

Copyright ©2011, ©2009 Pearson Prentice Hall Inc. Sergei Eisenstein. The Battleship Potemkin. From Odessa Steps sequence, selected frame

Copyright ©2011, ©2009 Pearson Prentice Hall Inc. Sergei Eisenstein. The Battleship Potemkin. From Odessa Steps sequence, selected frame

Copyright ©2011, ©2009 Pearson Prentice Hall Inc. Sergei Eisenstein. The Battleship Potemkin. From Odessa Steps sequence, selected frame

Copyright ©2011, ©2009 Pearson Prentice Hall Inc. Sergei Eisenstein. The Battleship Potemkin. From Odessa Steps sequence, selected frame

Copyright ©2011, ©2009 Pearson Prentice Hall Inc. Sergei Eisenstein. The Battleship Potemkin. From Odessa Steps sequence, selected frame

Copyright ©2011, ©2009 Pearson Prentice Hall Inc. Sergei Eisenstein. The Battleship Potemkin. From Odessa Steps sequence, selected frame

Copyright ©2011, ©2009 Pearson Prentice Hall Inc. Sergei Eisenstein. The Battleship Potemkin. From Odessa Steps sequence, selected frame

Copyright ©2011, ©2009 Pearson Prentice Hall Inc. Sergei Eisenstein. The Battleship Potemkin. From Odessa Steps sequence, selected frame

Copyright ©2011, ©2009 Pearson Prentice Hall Inc. Salvador Dalí and Luis Buñuel. An Andalusian Dog

Creating a New Language in Vision By the 1930’s, Hollywood was the Mecca for film The motion picture production code censored the content of films –It remained in effect until 1968

Citizen Kane Considered by many as the best movie ever made Used a wide array of cinematic devices: –Dramatic lighting –Distorted lenses –Dialog that extends past a scene –Innovative camera angles –Clever editing

Copyright ©2011, ©2009 Pearson Prentice Hall Inc. Orson Welles. Citizen Kane

Fantasia A feature length animation accompanied by classical music Each frame was painted individually –There are 24 frames per second –It’s a 2 hour film The paintings are then photographed to create the movie

Copyright ©2011, ©2009 Pearson Prentice Hall Inc. Walt Disney. Fantasia

La Dolce Vita By Federico Fellini The Protagonist is the main character –Marcello is the protagonist and he explores the lifestyles of the rich and famous A secondary character is a photographer nicknamed Paparazzo after the pop of the camera flash –The word paparazzi stems from this

Copyright ©2011, ©2009 Pearson Prentice Hall Inc. Federico Fellini. La Dolce Vita

Scorpio Rising By: Kenneth Anger A documentary about a Brooklyn motorcycle gang He was one of the first to use a soundtrack of modern pop music

Copyright ©2011, ©2009 Pearson Prentice Hall Inc. Kenneth Anger. Scorpio Rising

Avatar Special effects are becoming very important in movie making and have proven to be lucrative to the movie studios Avatar uses the recent developments in motion capture where an actor’s movements are scanned and digitized and then can be used in animation

Copyright ©2011, ©2009 Pearson Prentice Hall Inc. James Cameron. Avatar. Film still

Television Literally means vision from afar Television is the transmission of still or moving images with sound via a cable or wireless broadcast

Video Art Video made the process of filmmaking extremely portable and accessible

Digital Art Forms Computers are the new up and coming art medium Art made with computers ranges from film, video, finished artworks, brainstorming, storyboarding… Camilla Benolirao took a fashion photo and slowly manipulated it until it finished with a image of destruction

Copyright ©2011, ©2009 Pearson Prentice Hall Inc. Camilla Benolirao Griggers. Alienations of the Mother Tongue minutes.

Copyright ©2011, ©2009 Pearson Prentice Hall Inc. Natalie Bookchin. Still from Location Secured minutes.Cao Fei. RMB City. 2007–2009.