A Day In the Life Of a Middle School Child By: Mike Hils and Matt Peters
In the Morning In the morning we get up at 6:15 a.m. We get ready for school in about a half hour then get on the bus.
Getting on the bus By 6:55 a.m. the bus is coming. Then you get on the bus, find a seat and go to school. The ride is kind of long but you can talk to your friends or do work.
School When you get to school you put your supplies in your locker and bring your books and folders to homeroom. When the day begins you get to see all of your friends.
Social Studies After homeroom some people have Social Studies as their first subject. In this class we learn about the history of the world and things on the Earth today. An example is the American Revolution.
Math In math class we do a lot of things. Some of the things we do are adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing. Math is used every day of our lives.
Science Science is a very involved subject. In science you learn about the human body and what it can do. You also can do experiments and learn about the environment.
E.L.A. (English language arts) In E.L.A. we mainly read and write. We usually read long books and have to write about them. Sometimes the teacher will give us a topic and have us write about it.
art In art we can do a lot of things like paint and draw pictures. We can even do things, like making this book. Art is so fun!!
Gym Gym is so fun! You can run around and play all kinds of fun games. Like hockey, football, basketball, baseball, and lots of other things.
Music In music we get to play different types of classical music and we learn how to write music. Sometimes we play the keyboards and use the notes from songs in our booklet.
Homework Homework is work that we do at home. It is an overview of the lessons we have discussed in our classes. Sometimes we have homework in some classes and others we have homework in every class.
After school When students get home from school some have sports and other activities. Most kids do their homework and go on the computer later. Some students stay at school for extra curricular activities.
About the authors We are both seventh graders at Edward Town Middle School. Hi, my name is Michael Hils. I like to play hockey in my spare time. Hi, my name is Matt Peters. I like to play video games in my spare time. I also play for a travel hockey team called the Bud Bakewell Bruins.