Cell Phones Are Not Allowed out in Class Put phones away One warning Second time it is out the phone will be placed in a bucket Argue and it goes to the office for your parent to pick up
April SOL Review 2. Notes over Independence in India and video 3. SOL Quiz Monday, May 4– Impact of Global Trade 4. Test over Independence Friday, May 8 Students will be able to describe the political, economic, social, and cultural aspects of independence movements in India, Africa, and the Middle East.
SOL Review The name of the second largest city in the Ottoman Empire is Istanbul. The key unifying force in the Ottoman Empire was Islam. Voltaire admired the Ottoman’s because of their religious tolerance. Coffee and ceramics were the two most traded items from the Ottoman Empire.
Mughals (India) were Muslims. (Islam) Mughal architecture wonder of the world is the Taj Mahal. Mughals traded textiles, cotton, and spices. Da Gama was the first to get to India. The British East India Trading Company was the group that conquered India.
Foreign European nations set up enclaves in China. In Japan the shogun had all of the power. Sakoku= locked or closed nation.
Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment Copernicus = earth revolves around the sun Kepler= planets revolve the sun in elliptical orbits Galileo= telescope. His observations supported Copernicus’ theory. Newton= gravity Harvey= blood circulation Hobbes= absolute monarchy, the people need the government to keep control. Locke= three natural rights of life, liberty, and property. Government should protect these rights. Wrote Two Treatises on Government. Montesquieu= separation of powers and checks and blances, wrote On the Spirit of Laws.
Rousseau= wrote The Social Contract, legitimate government came from the will of the people. Voltaire= religious tolerance. Bach= Baroque music Mozart= classical music Cervantes= First western novel Delacroix= Romantic art