Psychology for Sports Performance Stress, Anxiety and Arousal
Objectives……….. Recap on previous lesson (P3, P4) Describe the physiology of stress (P3) Differentiate between the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system(P3)
Recap on previous lesson (P3, P4) In pairs discuss what you can remember from the previous lessons on arousal, anxiety and stress Question and Answer
Describe the physiology of stress (P3 ) What do you think it means when it says physiology of stress? In pairs write down what you think this means Feedback info Hand out on nervous system
Para and Sympathetic Nervous System P3) Can someone tell me what they understand from looking at this picture?
Class activity (P3) Independently read about stress on pages 256 – 258 from the course book and answer the questions on the hand out provided Extension activity Complete activity on page 261
Plenary Put your course books away In pairs discuss two things that you have learnt today. You will be telling your partners information to the class
Next Wednesdays Lesson We will address the effects of stress, anxiety and arousal on sports performance and how it might be controlled.
References Doctors Gates (2011), The Physiology of Fitness, The stress response, hysiology-of-stress.html hysiology-of-stress.html Stafford-Brown. J, Rea. S, (2010) BTEC National Sport Development, Coaching and Fitness, 2 nd ed, Oxon, Abingdon.