What does STEM mean to you? How does STEM play a role in your life? Academically? Leisure? What Major do you intend to pursue when you begin college? What influences, i.e., parents, teachers, mentors, friends, news, etc. helped make this decision?
Fields that are collectively considered core technological underpinnings of an advanced society. A country’s strength in their STEM workforce is viewed as an indicator of a nations ability to sustain itself. Agricultural Sciences Biological Sciences ChemistryComputer Science Engineering Geological Science Mathematics Physics/Astronomy
Source – Washington Post
PCCC received a 4.1 million dollar 5 year grant from the U.S. Department Of Education in Washington D.C. to recruit, support and motivate students into STEM fields. This goal will be achieved through, dual enrollment, workshops, tutoring, field trips, special guest speakers, research, mentoring, etc.
Provides High School students an opportunity to obtain college credits Part of their normal High School Curriculum Earn College Credits before graduating high school STEM fully funds books and tuition
You will earn high school and college credits simultaneously Great Introduction to college courses, provides a smooth transition from high school to college AP college credits is based on a test, Dual Enrollment is based on your performance throughout the full semester
Research states that students that earn college credits before HS graduation; increase their odds of continuing into higher education Students and their families save money by earning college credits free of charge from STEM Helps build a closer relationship between the college and ESHS
MA 103, Basic Statistics MA 108, College Algebra MA 109, Pre-Calculus GD 110, Intro To Graphic Design CIS 101, Computer Concepts/Applications ES 101, Intro To Engineering SC 105, Principles of Astronomy and Space College Placement Test Required (Math Portion)
Courses are taught by college faculty/professors Enrolling into a college level course automatically generates a college transcript in your name This transcript can be transferred to another college or built on if you matriculate into PCCC after HS graduation Course duration is 15/12 weeks, 3 hours a week.
We provide tutoring to all STEM students free of charge to ensure adequate support Provide advisement on possible STEM Career Tracks to select › Our motto is: “There is a STEM career for everyone!” Special Guest Speakers, NASA, IBM, etc. One on one mentoring for a full year for qualifying candidates.
Enrolling in a college course is a serious commitment There are add, drop, withdrawal deadlines, that you must adhere to just like college students Some courses require an Accuplacer math test to ensure that math preparedness STEM offers Accuplacer Math support services
Provide after school and summer workshops on various STEM subjects Hands on- Engaging sessions Previous workshops include: › Physics of Crashing › Programming utilizing Python › Lego Robotics › Programming Arduino circuit boards, (Computer Engineering) › Microbial Worlds › Bridge Building › Auto-Cad/3D Printer
We offer free professional tutoring for PCCC and Dual-Enrolled high school students in STEM areas 6 days a week, M-F 9:00-9:35, Saturday 10:00-3:00 Accuplacer Preparation Dual Enrollment Orientation
82% Passed in 5 week Accuplacer Prep in June 75% Passed in 6 Days Booster Class in August Average score for passing students is 100/120
! Education is the most powerful weapon... Which you can use to change the world” Nelson Mandela