AMPORF Common Modeling Platform Consolidated Travel Model Software Platform Development & Enhancement Guy Rousseau Atlanta Regional Commission 2014 AMPO Annual Conference
The Partners The Original 3 Partners: – Atlanta Regional Commission – Metropolitan Transportation Commission – San Diego Association of Governments The Additional 2 Partners: – Puget Sound Regional Council – San Francisco County Transportation Authority
Goals & Objectives Reduce the overall costs of maintenance & development of innovative new model components associated with isolated model implementations. Each MPO Partner currently uses a Coordinated Travel and Regional Activity Model Platform (CT-RAMP) Activity-Based Model (ABM). Combine the current CT-RAMP (programmed in Java) code branches developed for each MPO Partner into a consolidated trunk for use by each organization. The MPO Partners are only required to customize parameter and input files specific to their region. The consolidated code trunk will provide a robust platform to calibrate the model for each region. No changes to compiled libraries required to calibrate a model for a specified region.
History of Project ARC, MTC & SANDAG approached AMPO for project management in Summer of 2013 AMPO’s Rich Denbow is Project Manager RFP released in September proposals were received The 3 Original Partners met at MTC for proposals reviews and consultants interviews Synthicity was selected ( Synthicity’s Paul Waddell is Project Lead Project Kick-Off Meeting in February 2014
Project Funding
Progress To Date Task 1A – Comparison of the 3 Original CT-RAMP ABMs Task 1B – Software Architecture Approach: Leverage the UrbanSim Infrastructure (in Python) – Performance Profiling & Bottleneck Identification Task 1C – Agile Software Development in GitHub ( – Testing Framework Task 1D-E – Software Deployment Approach Towards a Consolidated CT- RAMP Software Package