Senior Design Team Members: Abi Sundaram Max Ackley Cole Mercer Adam Kauth Faculty Advisor: Dr. Tanya Crenshaw Client: Professor Andrew Nuxoll
Senior Design BackgroundAbi Sundaram Demo Max Ackley Client Requirements Cole Mercer Methods Adam Kauth Conclusion Abi Sundaram
Senior Design
Senior Design Client Requirements/Preferences Game must have an initial set up Few enough states and small enough branching factor that a learning algorithm can complete within a few hours Many ways to win Some component that hides implementation of game from player Use either C# or Python Must have at least two modes: AI vs. AI/Human vs.AI The agent code to be given to the AI student must be clearly/well written Code is well commented, nicely spaced, and variable, class and method names indicate intention Exactly two player game
Senior Design Utilized pair programming Used Subversion version control with Tortoise SVN Organized meetings using Basecamp Continuous unit testing Client was very involved in development
Senior Design Provided game to assist Professor Nuxoll in teaching Artificial Intelligence course Advantages: Fun to play, educational Quality documentation Conceptually simple rules to game
Senior Design