1-4 Topographic Maps. Let’s take a walk up a hill!


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Presentation transcript:

1-4 Topographic Maps

Let’s take a walk up a hill!

We’re now at an elevation of 100 meters. 100m

Let’s keep going! 100m

Now we’re at 200m. 100m 200m

Shall we march on? 100m 200m

We’ve made it to 300m! 100m 200m 300m

On to the peak! 100m 200m 300m

We’re on the peak, but what’s our elevation? 100m 200m 300m

Any ideas? 100m 200m 300m Let’s add contour lines for every 50 meters and see if that helps.

100m 200m 300m We know that we are above 350m, but less than 400m. 50m 150m 250m 350m

100m 200m 300m Let’s head down the hill, it’s getting late! 50m 150m 250m 350m

100m 200m 300m Now what’s our elevation? 50m 150m 250m 350m If you said somewhere between 200m and 250m you are right!

100m 200m 300m Let’s try this again! 50m 150m 250m 350m

100m 200m 300m What’s our elevation now? 50m 150m 250m 350m If you said 50m or just under, you’re right!

Let’s now look at the same hill, but the way we might see it from an airplane!

Each color change represents a 50 meter increase.

Now, let’s try the same hike! Our elevation is 0 meters.

Now what is our elevation?

If you said more than 150 meters, but less than 200 meters, you’re right!

Let’s go a little higher.

Think you know our elevation now? More than 300 meters But less than 350 meters

If we were standing on the peak, what would be our elevation? More than 350 meters, Less than 400 meters

Let’s head down hill.

Know our elevation?

More than 100 meters, less than 150 meters

Here’s how the real topographic map of this landform would look!

Contour lines connect points of equal elevation above or below sea level. Contour lines never crisscross each other. Index contours are bolded contour lines marked with numbers that represent the elevation of that particular line. Contour interval is the vertical distance between one contour line and the next. Moving from one contour line to another always indicates a change in elevation. Guidelines of a Topographic Map

The closer contour lines are to one another, the steeper the slope is in the real world. The further apart the lines, the more gentle the slope. Closed loop contour lines (the contours make a circle) represents a hill. Closed loop contour lines with hatch marks indicates a depression in the ground (sinkhole, volcano…) Contour lines crossing the valley of a stream will form a "V" shape pointing uphill (upstream), if they point downhill it is crossing a mountain ridge. Guidelines of a Topographic Map

Index Contour – Brown Bold Lines Contour Lines – Brown Lines Distance from one brown line to the next is the Contour Interval

On a standard topographic map, the colors used and the features they represent are: Black: Indicates man-made features, such as buildings. Gray: Indicates built-up areas; relief features; and elevation. Red: Shows major roads and highways. Brown: Represents contour lines. Green: Identifies vegetation such as woods; orchards; and vineyards. Blue: Identifies water features such as lakes; swamps; rivers; and streams. Intermittent water features are depicted with a dashed line. Colors & Features of a Topographic Map

Let’s see what you know. 400m 800m 1000m 1200m A B C D E F 600m

Grab a piece of paper and write your answers to the questions that follow. Ready?

1. 1. Could the elevation at the peak (B) be 1410 meters? 400m 800m 1000m 1200m A B C D E F 600m Contour Interval 100m

2. 2. What is the elevation at (E)? 400m 800m 1000m 1200m A B C D E F 600m Contour Interval 100m

3. 3. What is the elevation difference between (A) and (B)? 400m 800m 1000m 1200m A B C D E F 600m Contour Interval 100m

4. 4. Could the elevation at (F) be 417 meters? 400m 800m 1000m 1200m A B C D E F 600m Contour Interval 100m

5. 5. If you walked a straight line from (D) to (C), would you walk over a mountain ridge or down a river valley? 400m 800m 1000m 1200m A B C D E F 600m Contour Interval 100m

400m 800m 1000m 1200m A B C D E F 600m Contour Interval 100m Just looking at the map, would it be easier to head down from the peak going East, or going North? S W N E

1. 1. No :The elevation must be under 1400 meters, but over 1300 meters about 400 meters

3. 3. (A) is probably close to the 750 meter line, (B) is above 1300 meters. The difference between the two would probably be 600 to 650 meters.

4. 4. No: It must be more than 700 meters and less than 800 meters Down a valley: If the contour lines point up the slope it’s a valley, if they point down the slope it’s a ridge.

6. 6. East: When contour lines are close together that means there is a steep slope, the further apart the lines, the more gentle the slope and therefore an easier walk! Go east!